MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can you envision this happening?

Can you envision this happening?

On Jan. 20, Trump is escorted out of the White House by security, yelling at the awaiting press "I'll see you in four years!" He'll use it as a springboard to 2024--"I was treated so unfairly, you all saw it!" But, anticipating this, they might use a secluded exit where they can just put him on a helicopter or unmarked car unseen by anyone.


I think it'd be pretty foolish to be on US soil come that day, even for him.

I can call up a pretty vivid picture of what it would look like though.


Insane fantasy of the left.

You have no clue who or what kind of man Trump actually is, not a tiny bit. It's truly pathetic.

You listen to the rantings and ravings of nutbags on TV and somehow develop a misinformed opinion from that trash.

F'n pathetic.


This coming from a person, ME, who is not really a fan of that Orange F'k'r. But you insane fucktards never shut up with your lies, propaganda and fantasy.



Trump just broke the law by committing extortion against a public official. Everyone knows what type of scum Trump is except you and the rest of his death cult.


if there was ever any doubt what kind of man trump is the smoking gun phone call to raffensberger eliminated that


You're wrong. I've only had to watch the ranting and raving of the nutbag potus to realise he's more than capable of doing that.

He's just been caught trying to blackmail and extort illegitimate vote numbers from the GA secretary of state.


So TimMC's brain is broken. How you can be "not really a huge fan" and yet defend his actions at this point? You're obviously a fan, and it is obvious to everyone, except you and said death cult, that Trump is a despicable piece of trash.

You, sir, are pathetic.


that's like saying "I'm not a huge George Lucas fan" and spending endless hours defending the Phantom Menace


That's a bingo!


OK here's the plan:

I think it will work. Deprive him of his hamberders and twitter! He'll be out in a day!


I'm just surprised no insane lib, a socialist progressive if you will, has shot him yet. Maybe some crazy will attempt it after he is no longer president.


No, I cannot imagine this because I'm not insane.


After Trump leave he is a nothing person. Only a few wackos will still be singing his psycho-song, and they do not have the ability or the money to organize a comeback in 2024.

It appears that the NYT says that the Democrats have a 95% probability of taking the two Georgia Senate seats tonight. Finally Mitch McConnell will be just another fascist scumbag with dreams of bringing back the Confederacy.
