MovieChat Forums > Politics > Wall Of Veterans Standing Up to The Fasc...

Wall Of Veterans Standing Up to The Fascist Secret Police they are the True Heroes

Yes These Veterans our on The Right side of history Desmond Doss would be proud


A pudgy matchup with the mothers.


So they say! How can anyone see who they are? They’ve done their best to hide their identities! If they’re so proud of their stance against the agents defending federal bldgs, take off the head coverings, the sunglasses, the goggles, etc. It’s a bunch of hooey? Military vets my arse! They look like Antifa! I would hate to think these yahoos served in our military. Shameful! Just shameful!

With the lies continuing to be reported on tv, I would say the hell with Portland, Seattle, Chicago, etc., pack my gear, move out and let the cesspool cities collapse in on themselves. The deal would be no dollars from the federal government! The city officials permitted the anarchy...let them restore!


Tell your secret police to reveal their badges and Stay true their oaths(A Man Got his Broken By Saying that) i support our Military and the Black Community
