MovieChat Forums > Politics > Obama defunded the military...

Obama defunded the military...

This will continue to happen if Biden is elected

Obama cut down Americas military to dangerous levels and is something we dont hear about.

And it's the same mentality that calls for defunding the police.

You would think people are happy they dont hear about ISIS anymore.

Be careful of empty suit joe Biden

Because the backdoor players he will need to pamper to like BLM, LGBTQ, illegal aliens, antifa and muslims.

Will push this agenda even further.



At least he gave blankets to Ukraine. It kept them warm.

America will be over if Biden is elected.

Gun and ammo sales will skyrocket.

Thats if you are allowed to keep them.


The results of defunding the police and no bail are already causing crime to skyrocket.

Imagine doing that on a military level?

How many terror attacks under Obama?
Boston bomber
Fort hood
Gay nigh club shooter
And probably 10 more.

How many military accidents under Obama?
Many naval crashes.

Obama said target ISIL not isis.
Yes the same. But ISIL was a subtraction.
ISIS was let free reign.

That's why osoma always said he was going after isil.. he was playing evryone
