MovieChat Forums > Politics > Chinese virus deaths per capita (per mil...

Chinese virus deaths per capita (per million): Belgium 840, UK 642, Spain 606...Sweden 523....USA 388

Chinese virus deaths per million

San Marino - 1,238
Belgium - 849
Andorra - 673
UK - 642
Spain - 606
Italy - 575
Sweden - 523
France - 456
USA - 388

The USA's would be even lower without a few states like New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts skewing the numbers.


You think that the US having the ninth highest covid-19 deaths per million (when literally hundreds of countries do *much* better) means that its death rate is 'low' ("even lower") or that it's an achievement to be celebrated? Wow.


No, I'm comparing it to other major hard hit nations. Just a dose of fact-based reality.


And it's certainly more important facts to know than the dishonest DNC spin pushed by idiots on this board just citing the USA's global population/virus share, ignoring the fact that most Third World nations weren't affected much because of their lack of travel to begin with.


@kri. You are comparing the US largely to *other* nations, e.g., Sweden, UK, etc. whose response has been disastrous. So...Sweden has 536 deaths per mill, whereas Denmark, Norway, Finland have 109, 59, 46 respectively. *You* say "The US is doing so well, not as bad as Sweden!" whereas you *should* say "The US is doing terribly, like Sweden. If Sweden & the US had done as well as the rest of Scandinavia did it would have saved 70-95% of their deaths. If the US had done as well as Australia and NZ the US could have saved 99% of its deaths. If the US had done as well as Taiwan it could have saved 99.9%." (See also Canada, Germany, Japan, Slovakia, etc.)

The US I grew up with aspired to be and expected to be 'best' in the world (in everything). Your 'dose of fact-based reality' amounts to lowering expectations for the US: the US succeeds in your view if it's 'not the absolute worst' or can somehow be seen as 'the best of the worst'. Is that really what you want for your country?


No, your analysis repeats the mistake I alluded to earlier with apples and oranges comparisons. The most hard hit nations tend to be first world nations with the highest levels of travel, both internationally and internally, outside of the far east and therefore less used to dealing with these periodic Chinese outbreaks. For the most part Third World nations haven't been that hard hit. Totalitarian nations like China or North Korea can obviously use more extreme, often brutal measures and invariably lie about their stats anyway. Scandinavia is relatively isolated and doesn't have anywhere near the amount of travel the US does. Australia famously cut off foreign access virtually across the board early on with good results. Such a measure, btw, is the opposite of what Biden and Democrats called for, even months into the outbreak.

Again, the dose of reality is needed given the ways in which partisan Democrats have been distorting the truth with half-baked propaganda. If you want to interject yourself into US politics you should have been taking them to task for childishly yet predictably trying to label this the "Trump Virus", at best a US centric designation, as if Trump has anything to do with a country like Belgium suffering more than the twice the American death rate (do they blame Trump too, or is "Chinese virus" more apt?), not wasting time complaining about a single thread shedding light on the true big picture with facts.


your analysis repeats the mistake I alluded to earlier with apples and oranges comparisons
No, any case you don't like you simply invent some pretext to call it an incomparable 'orange'! E.g., 'Scandinavia is relatively isolated', not that that helped Sweden! E.g. 2. 'Australia closed its borders early' when it did that only on March 19 (same as NZ) not especially early. E.g. 3. Far East nations are of course oranges by definition - funnily, pre-Trump administrations *did* understand that distance was no longer an obstacle to disease coming from Asia and did things like station US researcher-observers in China. The Trump admin. terminated those early warning programs, ended offices of pandemic response in The White House.... Oops. E.g. 4. In general you seem to wield 'counties that are hard hit' as another co-classifier, so that if any nation does much better than the US whether it's Japan or even Canada then by definition it's a 'not as hard hit' orange.

Maybe you don't even realise that this is what you are doing? You perhaps think that you're reasoning carefully, when in fact you are practicing a kind of iterated special pleading & self-deception.

And what's the point? Presumably you *need* to believe that the US or the Trump admin. has done a great job with Covid 19. You therefore *need* to try to 'spin' 130K deaths and 400 per million death rates and 50K new cases a day after 4 months, and who knows what other dreadful stat. going forward. Truly, inventing reasons why the US's objectively dreadful performance (on any front) is OK because the US is incomparable/exceptional is a fool's game, and, if embraced widely, is a recipe for national delusion & decline.


Not "some pretext" but real, concrete differences. It's fascinating that you ignore every relevant variable as if the US should be condemned for doing a "poorer job" handling the virus than...say Cameroon (only 12 deaths per million). Why is the death rate in Taiwan (.3), a country you singled out for praise, over 3 times higher than that of Myanmar (0.1)? Why are both so much better than any of the Scandinavian nations you praised? Did Taiwan and Russia do a vastly superior job to Western Europe in implementing competent policies?

After all, you call it "performance" and label it "dreadful", assuming a nation's death rate is entirely dictated by government leadership (well...certain leadership; you're apparently ignorant of how the decentralized US political system works).

By your logic the Third World has done a wonderful job handling the Chinese virus while the First World has screwed the pooch. Cameroon is on the rise while Belgium and Sweden are facing "national delusion and decline".

It doesn't occur to you that the richest nations are being hit harder, in part, because they're rich. Again, that means more international and internal travel. One would actually expect the US, the richest nation with the most mobile population, one receiving massive international visit numbers from both Asia and Europe, to be the hardest hit. If anything it's noteworthy that it's not.

You've been operating on false premises from the beginning. First, the talking point about Trump supposedly disbanding the pandemic team was complete BS that was debunked long ago, including by the people running pandemic prep efforts. If anything their resources were expanded under Trump over Obama, who left no infrastructure for dealing with something on this scale. Trump's administration had to replace long existing CDC plans on the fly, doing an impressive job under fire and leaving us much better set up for the next pandemic.

Since the expert modeling predicted 2 million US deaths, with 100-250k being the best case scenario if all mitigation protocols were followed, then it’s unreasonable to call 130k an “objectively dreadful performance”. It’s objectively not, setting aside for the moment whether your use of the word “performance” is appropriate as opposed to “outcome”.

You need to believe that Trump has done a terrible job with the Chinese virus. (btw, let me know if you need help figuring how to code stressing in posts)

Contrary to your implication, I never claimed Trump or the US in general handled the virus perfectly. More importantly, I never called the situation a great outcome. My straightforward, sourced, factual op, devoid of any commentary on politics or policy, certainly wasn’t the “celebration” you falsely accused it of, and was posted in the context of partisan propaganda flying so thick that I could see people’s view of reality becoming distorted.

Specifically the media has been routinely repeating that the US has by far the most deaths of any nation in the world. While technically true, that’s misleading given that the US has the 3rd largest population, and is the only First World nation anywhere near the top. Per capita stats are almost entirely absent from news coverage and from most threads here. Dubbing it the “Trump Virus” in a bit of disgusting partisan chicanery is exposed as even more ludicrous when one sees those telling stats.

It’s also a mistake to treat every nation as if it’s equal size and equally vulnerable. What I posted is worth listing since those nations ranking higher than the US in death rate not only represent most of the countries American leftists routinely demand we emulate, but combined they make up most of Western Europe. That’s a big deal, given that what people call the “First World” mostly consists of the USA, Western Europe, and outlying British Commonwealth countries with small populations.

In fact in the face of that “performance” versus other First World nations, it’s hard to rationally argue that Trump, or most US governors or mayors, have done a bad job. Not perfect, of course, but I think Trump has done about as well as any president realistically could have under the circumstances.

The virus is a serious, devastating thing, but the numbers just don’t support its exploitation by Trump haters for political fodder. And even if you disagree, the information I posted is useful in correcting the perception of people who have only been exposed to the ubiquitous “US has the most deaths” refrain. To justify attacking my streamlined, fact based op, you’d have to argue that we’re better off not knowing per capita stats than knowing them.

PS - For the record it's "krl", not "kri". Aside from the fact that there's no logical reason to assume the third letter is suddenly upper case when the preceding two are both lower case (Occam's Razor), you didn't capitalize it anyway, lol. Come on, now.


"The USA's would be even lower without..."

We can't have "even lower" deaths, because that would imply ours are low to begin with.

Countries with higher deaths per capita: 8
Countries with lower deaths per capita: 206

Your MAGA conspiratard brain is working overtime on this one.


The US figure is low compared to the major European nations typically celebrated as superior by leftist morons like yourself, despite America normally receiving even more international travel from East Asia than Europe does, and extensive European travel to boot, and Americans traveling internally more frequently than any other people. Most nations around the world travel even less and aren't comparable to the First World.

This is worth pointing out given braying partisan idiots' ludicrous attempts to somehow blame Trump for the virus.

You don't have to celebrate the numbers, but informed perspective is vital.


America's totals are pretty comparable with Western Europe's collective totals. On a continental level we fared about the same as they did. They aren't facing the possible resurgence as we are... it remains to be seen how bad round two will get. I'm not sure how much I trust China's officially reported data, so it's hard to make a comparison there.


Actually there have been hints of a "resurgence" in various nations around the world, including China (where the unreliable headlines fluctuate from week to week), and "experts" have talked about the possibility since the beginning, citing the multiple waves of the WW1 era Spanish Flu.

The reality is the US states predictably seeing elevations as they reopen, misleadingly dubbed "spikes" by the media, are increases from relatively low levels and still way below the levels suffered in New York and New Jersey.

The truth is we're either going to have to end civilization with a permanent lock down or learn to operate with social mitigation while developing weapons to combat the virus, and smartly focusing protections for the most vulnerable
(elderly and those with health problems) while allowing the rest of society to freely operate.


All those other countries "would be even lower" also without Paris, Marseilles, London, Milan, Stockholm, etc...


Houston, Chicago, LA, etc. weren't even in the ballpark of NYC.


If my aunt had two nuts...


If she lives in the US then your aunt has significantly less chance of dying from the Chinese virus than residents of the major European nations. No hypothetical required.


...and she would have significantly less chance of dying from the Chinese virus than residents of Germany, home of the master race...

108 deaths per million.


So not the safest, but nowhere near the worst. And safer than most of the major First World nations.

And modern Germans are more used to being restricted and....following orders.


There's no denying it: Germans get things done.

Like Winston Churchill said "The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet."


But but 5000000000000000 new cases just yesterday in Texas!



The leftist media stopped caring about the Chinese virus during the height of the BLM riots, but since they've been petering out and it's been shown that they can be thwarted by even small numbers of armed private citizens standing up to them, the virus is suddenly story #1 again.

Democrats fear that the economy is rebounding too fast and they're demanding new lockdowns to tank it. They're also afraid of the contrast between the couple of dozen supporters Biden can pull and the tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters who routinely attend Trump rallies.

The more America opens back up the worse it is for Democrats and the better it is for Trump and the country.


The more America opens back up the worse it is for Democrats and the better it is for Trump and the country.

Always been this way. The better the country does the worse it is for Democrats. They only know how to hate and destroy. They’re cancer.


"They’re cancer."

How very "2019" of you!

But you can't remember to call them "Democomm's" or "Bolshecrats" or whatever because you're obviously old enough to be watching Pat and Vanna in your Depends.


Ok doggielemming


I’m sure you’ve noticed when the lefty lemmings cannot reply in a sane factual way, they resort to insults?🤷🏼‍♀️ Once you present facts the fangs come out 👹, the insults are lobbed or the most frequent way they respond...they cannot counter they slither away.🐍


Do they ever reply in a sane factual way? I’ve yet to see it.


What do you call people who hate America so much they literally tear down statues of George Washington and denounce Mount Rushmore?


Wow those people must be full of ignorance and hate. I’ll bet they burn the American flag too. I can think of many things to call them.


"Communists" is accurate. "Shitbags" applies too. I often combine them.


My dad described lawless people “Wild Ass Hooligans!” Are people aware we used to shoot looters? I first became aware of these sub-humans back in the ‘60’s. My husband’s boss’s daughter went down in a horrific plane survivors.

The looters made it to the site before the officials. The looters were no better than a pack of wolves picking at the remains. I gagged when I read the newspaper. The looters were picking up severed hands and arms, just to take what jewelry they could abscond with before the authorities arrived on the scene. They were and are despicable humans...the lowest of the low. The same type we’ve been dealing with currently. It’s their culture!


That's disgusting. You're right. People who riot, loot, and murder, and those who cheer that, are the lowest scum on earth. That's the heart of the left.


Democrats works also. Progressives. Liberals. Asshats. Lemmings.


All effectively synonyms at this point.
