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BLM founder admits they are TRAINED MARXISTS!

We've known from the beginning BLM is a domestic terrorist organization.
It's pretty incredible that one of the 3 lesbian members admits that they're trained Marxists.

Start at around 3:15 if you don't want to watch the whole thing.


Yes Jordan Peterson was right about these people. They are whatever-it-takes, lying, scheming, manipulating revolutionaries.


Unfortunately there are those who would rather remain in willful ignorance.


You a fan of JP too, Quasi? The man is one of the very few rational voices to come from the American continent, imo.


Who is he? I don't think I've heard of him.


A good place to start would be here, N&N:

Once you get to know him, you'll want to read and hear everything he does.


Once you get to know him, you'll want to read and hear everything he does.

Haha, that's what they said about Manson.


If you don't mind my saying so that is a lazy and ridiculous comparison.


False dichotomy, KD. You're trying to make a comparison between a drug-addled psychotic and a rational professor of psychology; a professor of psychology, by the way, who has no criminal history.


I just watched it. In those clips I don't think he said anything wrong but those are words that the left would highly regard as hate speech! πŸ˜±πŸ˜…
He's not wrong though.

I especially liked what he said when talking about the "radical PC authoritarians." He said "There's a difference between saying there's something that you can't say and saying that there are things that you HAVE TO say!"...and then added "I'm not going to be a mouthpiece for a language that I detest!"
Isn't that so true?! Look at these fools in recent weeks getting on their knees and...repenting! FOR WHAT? Being a cop? Being white? Having imaginary privilege?

The Stalin portion of the video was very good too, along with all the talk about men.

Thanks for sharing, Popcorny. πŸ‘πŸ»


You're very welcome, N&N. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've found that I wanted to see everything he ever said, after watching just a couple of videos. Of course, I have to say I don't find everything he says to be relevant to my outlook, but his basic philosophy is undeniable, imo.


I think that only means you're a FREE THINKER! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Haha, not sure if I want to be known as a Free Thinker, it sounds a bit hippyish. but thanks anyway. :) :)


Nah, I don't mean it like that.
All I'm saying is you can make up your own mind. Your not a sheep. You use your God-given brain! πŸ˜‰


I know, N&N, no problem. It's all good. I took it as a compliment. If I knew how to make smilies on this site, I'd put one in this post. This will have to do. :)


Aww. 😊
Popcorn, Popcorny?


Just Pop will do. I'm used to that. :)


I don't know why but I thought you were a big fan of popcorn. I don't know where I got that idea. πŸ˜…

Ok, pop it is!




Yes and no Popcorny. Jordan Peterson is a genius but he is one of those geniuses touched by madness I think. Having said that I think he is spot on about the post-modernist neo-marxists. These people ( who couldn't run the proverbial school tuck shop ) want to destroy Western Civilisation and replace it with their utopian fantasy. And of course it would be a disaster if they ever got the chance to do it.

I have watched many of Peterson's lectures on Youtube and have listened to his audio book version of '12 Rules for Life' and paid him $100 for it. He has a lot of practical and good advice for young people about how to take charge of themselves, organize and live their lives. It's a pity it took so long for him to come along. The West could have used this book back in the sixties when it all started to go off the rails.

A criticism I have is that he has too much confidence in unfettered capitalism. His solution to our current malaise it seems to me is ' What we need is more of the same, with knobs on ! ' He seems to have a naive belief that whatever problems we face in the future we will be able to deal with. I'm not sure that's true and the stakes are high. He says nothing about over-population or pollution for example.

It was in his Biblical Series of lectures on the Old Testament that I first started to have my doubts about him. He reminded me of the character Edward Casuabon in George Eliot's wonderful novel ' Middlemarch '. Casuabon laboured greatly on his tome ' The Key to all Mythologies ' convinced that he could come up with the One Theory to unite them all ! Similarly, and sadly, I think Peterson has a Messiah Complex with his Casuabon like ' Theory of, and Solution to, Everything '.


Yes, Quasi, I must agree he seems to have just a wee bit of the fanatic in him, albeit a benign version, (if there is such a thing). One thing that strikes me when watching him is his utter single-mindedness while delivering his lectures. Often, his students seem to be paying absolutely no attention to him at all, and some even seem to be blatantly displaying their lack of interest, as if to make a point. Yet he persists, and it never seems to faze him.

Maybe he thinks, "Well, if they're going to ignore me, I'm going to ignore them".

Certainly he's passionately devoted to his message. He's like a latter-day prophet who's had an epiphany and feels compelled to share it, and spread the word; to save the people before it's too late. His tragedy is, of course, that it's already too late.

I think the crux of his message is, "Be real!" But his audience, and society in general, is past that now. As you rightly say, he should have come along in the 60s, when youth was being fed fairytales and believing them. He might have been able to break the spell of the bs of those days. Now, they all believe in different fairytales, but the nonsense today is much more potent and they believe it much more earnestly. Young people are so very easily manipulated, especially if the manipulators first engage young peoples' desire to return to their innocent and easy babyhood. The paradox is, young people long to escape childhood, yet they will passionately embrace any "cause" if it promises to make them feel like children again. That's why the neo-Marxist promised utopia is irresistible to them. It's an old, old story..

It's the same in every generation. People, when young, and having entered upon the big bad world, are attracted to anything that hints of a possible return to the safety and comfort of babyhood. It's a well-known topic in many psychological theories of human nature. Dr Peterson knows it, perfectly well. It seems to me that all of his teachings contain an underlying message of "Grow up! Be real!"


He does speak as if he believes that we can solve any problem, that's true. But I think that belief comes from his knowledge of fundamental human nature. He knows how people can be when they think straight and rid themselves of all their acquired bs.

The hippies thought that their acquired bs was all of the "bad sh!t" they had been told by the older generation, and so they eagerly abandoned things that made sense, and which actually could make life better. They were totally oblivious of what they were, in fact, losing. Today's generation of "reformers" are doing exactly the same thing. The only difference is that they have been manipulated from an earlier age, when they were totally receptive, and the effect has been more potent as a result. They are much more convinced of the rightness of their "causes", because they have absolutely no self-examination and self-awareness.

I haven't noticed the pro-capitalism in his message. But I believe you if you say it's there. His evangelistic side, though, is very obvious. That's the only facet of his presentation that I tend to block out. Still, I suppose it's inevitable for a man whose nature is so passionately concerned with the betterment of people.


I heard a story about some of his Harvard students weeping when they learned Peterson was going back to Canada so I'm not too sure about his lecturing to bored and disinterested students ! Although I did see a video where one of his female students picked up her things and walked out about five minutes in. The Woke crowd would see him as the Enemy of course so I guess he has a self selecting following.

Peterson takes it all very personally and it costs him dearly in terms of the emotional toll it takes on him. I didn't understand that until I saw the little documentary that was made about him and realised that he lives with a high level of anxiety that he was taking medication to keep under some kind of control. But that all came disastrously unstuck which is why he has gone missing these last six months.

Well the only problem with telling young people to " Grow up and be real ! " is that they don't know what that means. But Peterson has spelled it out in great detail with illustrations and step-by-step instructions which is I think a first so he should be applauded and appreciated for that.


I did read something about a health issue he had, but I didn't know it was anxiety-related. That makes perfect sense, though. He does take it personally and in fact I feel some mild anxiety for him when I watch some of his lectures. I do see some students who seem to be looking at their iPads or are otherwise distracted. But maybe they're just taking notes.

I can imagine that if I were one of his students and learned that he planned to leave and return to his home, I'd be pretty upset too. Thank goodness for Youtube.

Do you have a link to that doco about him, Quasi?


It's called ' The Rise of Jordan Peterson ' and I downloaded a copy of it via a torrent. I think it has since been released on DVD but I don't know how easily available it is.


Thanks. I'll google that.



And for how long has Chomsky been predicting the collapse of capitalism ?


Jordan Peterson was a raving SJW until he found out how to "monetize the left" on youtube. He calls it monetizing the left, but what he's actually talking about is attracting revenue from his alt-right viewership.

He's a grifter. That's how he walked himself into a corner with his socialist idea of forced marriage. He understood his audience was full of incels, and knew they would love the idea. The problem is forced marriage is a form of socialism.

JP is just another Dave Rubin or Candace Owens. They gave up on what they believed in to cash in on an ounce of financial success.


You are an idiot.


"Jordan Peterson was a raving SJW until he found out how to "monetize the left" on youtube. He calls it monetizing the left, but what he's actually talking about is attracting revenue from his alt-right viewership."

I'm going to have to see some irrefutable proof of that statement before I'll give it a moment's credit, Violet.



It's not a bad thing?
Say something nice about BLM and Marxism?! I would if there was something nice to say.

Do you really think BLM want racism to end???!! Of course they don't. They're too busy driving a wedge deeper.

You should really find out what Capitalism is.


Oh you Bolshevist, you! So, a Karl Marx follower, hmm?πŸ€” Like those bread lines do you? Cuba would welcome you. China would welcome you. North Korea also, but you may starve. Don’t like privately owned property either?

The following article may interest you:

Don't celebrate Karl Marx. His Communism has a death count in the millions.

Don’t you realize people are not better off under Marxism, Socialism, Communism, etc. All over the world people are fighting for freedom. It’s the USA folks are getting to on rafts, boats, anything which floats in order to reach the USA. Why do you think so many Cubans fled Cuba to come here?

>From Each According to His Ability, to Each According to His Needs


I cannot say anything nice about BLM. They are domestic terrorists.



They are not doing a thing to my life. Around here, people would shoot them dead. Fast. But they are terrorizing decent people who have done nothing wrong. BLM needs to go away.



Only to the extent they are terrorists and no terrorists should be welcome in any nation on Earth. And they have no chance changing my way of life. None. If they tried the same crap here they did the bigger cities it would be like an avalanche hitting them. They have no idea what they would be facing. Virtually every person here owns guns and are highly proficient.



BLM is never peaceful. They are destructive. How much more evidence do you require? Everywhere they protest they end up looting and rioting and burning and destroying.



No it's not. The people behind BLM pulling the strings have wanted this all along. Wake up and smell the guiding hand of the revolutionaries comrade.


who are Neo-Nazis and wont give up the confedrate flag your the terrorist


LOL, BLM does not care at all about civil rights. First of all this idea that there is still institutional racism in the USA is very much a myth, secondly BLM couldn't care less about it, they just want an excuse to riot and terrorize innocent people, not to mention that they themselves were caught on camera shouting "shoot the white folk" (seems pretty racist to me) and they actively call for the murder of policeman. Terrorism is terrorism and calling BLM civil rights advocates it not doing anyone any favors.


They were founded on a lie first of all.

Also if you recall, they would chant "What do we want?..."Dead cops!"...."When do we want 'em?"..."NOW!!"

I have to quit calling them a domestic terrorist organization. They are a Domestic Marxist Racist Terrorist Organization!


Yep and don't forget "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon"

You're right, your description of BLM is far more accurate, they are definitely a bunch of Marxist Racists, they don't give a damn about anyone's civil rights. I'd laugh at them if their actions weren't as disturbing as they are.


Ah yes! Pigs in a blanket.

Their saying should be NO LIVES MATTER!


I have not heard a single member of BLM give one F-ck about the murder of Police Captain David Dorn


Nope. You won't.
So far they're only upset over black criminals. Go figure.


They only care about black lives that they can use for their political agenda. Any other black life means nothing to them.


That really is the bottom line.


"I'd personally rather be a marxist than a greedy, inhuman and racist capitalist. Capitalism is modern day slavery and it's days are numbered. "

Spoken like a little child.


So what. BLM founder admitting they are trained marxists is not a bad thing. So please stop spreading propaganda as if it is a bad thing. Why don't you try and say something nice about BLM? Why do you try and say something nice about marxism? Please stop calling people who want to end racism and demand change in our society and engage in peaceful protesting domestic terrorists....I'd personally rather be a marxist than a greedy, inhuman and racist capitalist. Capitalism is modern day slavery and it's days are numbered. It seems people like you would rather see USA endure another civil war than change your archaic way of life for the better of all people.

Your premises are wrong. BLM is the most "racist" movement in the country. It's inherently bigoted and founded on lies. Its rhetoric and riots have been violent from the beginning. Marxism is evil in conception like National Socialism is. In addition to obliterating the individual, freedom, and human rights, it cultivates base human emotions like hatred and envy. When you understand that it's not surprising that studies show conservatives volunteer and give more to charity than leftists do.

Marxism is modern slavery. The free market ("capitalism") has done more to lift people out of poverty and oppression than anything else. The USA in particular has done more than any nation in history to free people around the world, including by ending real slavery, and improve humanity's living standards.


So what.


Don't you know? Marxists are out to destroy the American Dream, Truth, Justice, all that shit.


Didn't know that. Thanks for the tip.


Wtf is a "trained Marxist"? I'm suspicious of BLM organizers, the whole thing seems like a setup. Dumb idea after dumb slogan after dumb staged white guilt and police kneeling bullshit. Looks like an attempt to co-opt the movement into feel-goodism and Democratic sheepdogging instead of actual solutions.


That would be thanks to white liberals. You think blacks dying in inner city shitholes care about the Mrs Buttersworth bottle?

It’s always about symbolism with the left. Tear down statues. Carry rainbows flags. Paint streets. Get rid of Uncle Ben. None of it accomplishes anything.

This tantrum will pass like they always do. And in the end the Democrat party will still have the black community enslaved in the inner city plantation. Nothing is changing. They don’t have a goal, demands, a plan. A path to success. They never do.

No ideas. No solutions. No platform. The Democrat party.


And the left still has the nerve to call them a civil rights organization. I talked to someone earlier who actually compared them to Martin Luther King. Totally disgusting.


That is disgusting. MLK would turn over in his grave.


I then asked him how many police captains MLK Jr. murdered and he had nothing to say, he just deflected to the typical leftist talking points. They are glorifying terrorists and cop killers which is very disturbing.


Yep. People need to wake up and smell themselves!


Today’s Democrat leadership in media/party and their lemmings would hate MLK. He was a Republican.

They would hate JFK. He loved the US, was anti communist, and wanted to see the country prosper.

No ideas. No solutions. No platform. The Democrat party of hate.


Current Democrats would probably be more in line with the likes of Adolf Hitler.

If MLK were still alive today current Democrats would probably advocate for his murder just like they did with President Trump.


They’d be calling him an Uncle Tom like they do with all conservative blacks.

MLK was for equal opportunity. The Democrat party is not.

No ideas. No solutions. No platform. The Democrat party of hate.



The Democrats don't really have a whole lot of respect for black people, they seem to think they are too stupid to think for themselves and that if they have an opinion they don't approve of that must mean that there is something wrong with them. Democrats just want black people to be on welfare and totally dependent upon the government so that they can convince them that they are victims and aren't accountable for their actions so that they can get votes out of them. It's truly disgusting and racist.


What would make you think that,lol?
"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids." - Joe Biden


"Current Democrats would probably be more in line with the likes of Adolf Hitler."

I agree with you and Gd.


Also Antifa tries to say they aren't an organization, but the UN supports their organization.... cant make this shit up.


The reason you claim Antifa "tries" to say it is because there's no organization to say it. The UN or anyone supporting Antifa does not make an organization magically appear to verify itself.


Trained marxists. Right there that should give everyone a healthy chuckle.
Were they trained at rump U?


Did you hear her admit it?


Right, but it's obvious to anyone with a brain she's talking about communism of culture/race.

Why is economic communism bad? Simple. It tries to give the poor the financial equality they did not earn through hard work.

Why is cultural/racial communism bad? Because it gives minorities the cultural equality they did not earn? Lol, you know you don't wanna go there. Culture and race should be communistic by default.

It's like you're trying to argue there should be a capitalistic system for culture with races at the top and others at the bottom, but you don't want to say it out loud.


Black people have all the same opportunities white people have.


We're not talking about opportunity though. This isn't about getting people higher paying jobs.

We're talking about equality of races by law enforcement. If you support that equality, you are a cultural communist.

Racial/cultural justice is one thing we can all agree on that should be communistic. The dispute is that the right believes cultural communism has already been achieved, and BLM believes there is more work to do.

But because these things involve the C or M word, your brain shuts off and you have to change the subject to opportunity.


Not new. Anyone from Bernie Bros, AOC, BLM/ANTIFA are communists/marxists in general. They claim progressives but they're really left to far left. Moderates are the Pelosi team but they're a dying breed and will be voted out soon to go full on communism aka Democratic Socialism.


We know this but to hear it from the horses mouth is why I posted it for those who won't face what BLM actually is.
