MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump V-shaped recovery and economic boo...

Trump V-shaped recovery and economic boom, not Obama stagnation.

Thanks to a competent president. Apparently most Americans are busy with other things and not primarily focused on roving bands of BLM thugs wandering urban centers.

2009-10 should have looked more like this, and the great Reagan boom following that bad recession. It helps not having a Marxist in the White House who waged war against the business sector, crushed individual freedom, and stomped on the economy for 8 years.

If you want it to continue don't vote for the clueless 80 year old establishment liberal who's already vowing to raise taxes and kill economic growth. Vote to reelect Trump, the proven success.

Doggiedaddy in tears!

Doggie, no don't do it. You have a lot to live fo......well.......stay alive anyway.
