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T-rump reaches "Walling yourself off so enraged citizens don't drag you out of the palace" stage of MAGA

For those keeping score at home, we are now officially at the "Walling yourself off so enraged citizens don't drag you out of the palace" stage of Making America Great Again.

T-rump has finally made good on his promise to T-rumpanzees to build 'a big beautiful wall', but this one is not the one promised on the Mexican border, and this one is not being paid for by Mexicans, as promised.

This big beautiful wall is paid for by US taxpayers, and it's being built around the White House.

CNN's Betsy Klein Tweeted a pallet truck stacked with fence panels and a team of workers in high-visibility clothing installing the new perimeter.

"More fencing going up around the White House complex early this morning," Klein wrote. This is in addition to the original fencing which went up around the perimeter of The White House since Tuesday, including cement barriers behind the metal fencing. This is all to keep 'peaceful protesters' away from the Palace.

Protesters have now moved down the street to protest in front of the beleaguered 'T-rump International Hotel' which he opened right before his election.

This is what he meant by MAGA - turning to dictatorship.


Republicans are trying to bury this. It's worth keeping on top, which is what I'll do.
