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Chris Fredo Cuomo calls for MORE violence; "Show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."

The New York governor's brother and CNN anchor, ladies and gentlemen.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem...And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time...Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

As the Breitbart piece points out, one of the many places where "it says" protesters are supposed to be peaceful is the First Amendment to the Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's astonishing that this hack has a law degree and says stuff this dumb, but then leftists hate the Constitution.

Of course Fredo had nothing but venom a few weeks ago when the cowardly hypocrite attacked the completely peaceful protesters who were citizens just opposing tyrannical government lock downs because they wanted to resuming working and freely living their lives.

The silver lining is that a while back Steven Crowder challenged Cuomo to an MMA match, with the proceeds going to charity. I think he finally accepted, though I haven't heard a date yet.

Should be good. 😉


Breitbart journalist can't even read?

Gov't will not infringe on the right to peaceably assemble. That's a right. There is no parental-esque "supposed to" concept attached to the Constitution. It restricts and defines government... it does not tell the people what to do or how to behave.

As for your comparison -- Lockdowns are intended to save lives in the future. A protest police killings is also intended to save lives in the future. As you can see, the goals of both are the same. Lockdowns save more lives, so the protest against them is minimal, restricted mostly to conspiracy-esque folks who refuse to acknowledge that the pandemic is global, with real lives lost, not some Democrat plot in the U.S.


LOL! You're an idiot. Why would the framers of the First Amendment add "peaceably" then? Scratch that. The article mentioned the explicit wording of the right protecting assembly to drive home how deeply stupid Cuomo and his comments were. It's not necessary. The very concept of American law necessitates people acting "peacefully". Otherwise you're trampling on other people's rights.

The excessive and often arbitrary (tyrannical) lock downs imposed on people were a combination of Democrats being on an authoritarian power trip (using them to shut down gun stores, for example, which are more "essential" than the liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries allowed to remain open, as the riots have driven home), and seeing an opportunity to hurt the economy as much as possible, with Trump, they hoped, getting the blame.

The prolonged lock downs have done incalculable damage, maybe more than the virus:

While the venomous Democrat attacks on (mostly conservative) states for opening up proved unfounded.

Not that those evil bastards will admit they were wrong, let alone apologize for the garbage they threw at DeSantis, Kemp, Trump, etc..

The protesters you smear were good citizens standing up for their own freedom to work and live. They weren't coercing anyone, smashing windows, looting, burning buildings, or committing murder.

Yet Cuomo blindly savaged them while praising scumbag leftist rioters. Disgusting.

The conspiracy theory-esque folks are leftists who wrongly claim the USA and its police are run by a "white supremacist" system, it's "open season" for whites to kill blacks, capitalism = "fascism", and other debunked nonsense.
