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‘He Penetrated Me With His Fingers’: Joe Biden Accused of Sexual Assault

Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by one of his former Senate staff assistants. According to the alleged victim, Biden forcibly penetrated her against her will with his fingers in Washington, D.C. in 1993.

“I remember the assault itself, and then the aftermath, and the reverberating effects of that,” Tara Reade said during an appearance on Rising with Krystal and Saagar on Hill TV Thursday. Reade said that “there are spots” where her she doesn’t remember certain aspects of the alleged incident because she has “worked so hard not to remember it anymore.”

"He was trying to kiss me, and I was pulling away. And what I remember of that time is feeling really shocked and surprised because there was no real conversation right beforehand. There was no precursor. It just happened. And then, when he did that, I was obviously pulling away. And he pulled back and said, you know, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me,’ something to that effect. And that’s what kind of jolted me–I was trying to think what I did wrong to bring that on to me. He looked angry and irritated with me."

"And I remember he–it happened all at once–the gym bag, I don’t know where it went. I handed it to him and it was gone. And then his hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then he went–he went down my skirt and then up inside it. And he penetrated me with his fingers, whatever. And I–he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me. He said several things and I can’t remember everything he said. I remember a couple of things. I remember his saying, first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else?’ and then him saying to me, when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing and I, how I was pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might have said. And I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘I thought’ or if ‘I heard.’ It’s like he implied that I had done this."

Lol, women and their magical memory. Still wrapping my head around her coming out now after all these years of #metoo etc. etc. I guess she suddenly remembered when Biden became the front runner. Seems a lot of women accuser these days remember their troubled pasts when that someone is running for something of high status and is the lead.

Joe Biden: When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth

Also Joe Biden: "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real,"

Man up Joe. You got an accuser now so address it.


Look fat, here's the deal. You gotta believe the women!! 😉😅 Come on, man!

Eight women have made accusations.
People better start marching! You know, the ones going ballistic over Kavanaugh. Just be sure to keep 6 feet of personal space between you.


First it was "he put his hands on me and it was so uncomfortable"... now it's "he fingered me by force"... yeah, she's full of shit, doesn't stop Youtube from running with it.


I say we believe the victim. If Biden is innocent, it's up to him to prove it.







Ask him if he believes Kobe Bryant's accuser, because Kowalski's thinks SHE'S lying. He'll get super butthurt and report you if you do. At least, that's what he did to me. Kowalski's a damn joke.


An FBI investigation is in order. The Democrats and the #metoo movement demanded and got one for Kavanaugh even though his accuser had no corroborating evidence, but Tara Reade does.


It's almost impossible to have evidence of something that happened over 30 years ago. The funny thing is Kavanaugh's own calendar ended up being the evidence that got republicans to say Blasey Ford was most likely assaulted, but by someone else because it was politically inconvenient for them if it was Kavanaugh.


It doesn't matter, Carter. Since Trump got in office the rules have changed. No due process! Guilty until proven innocent now! 😱 They are also adamant about believing WOMEN, no matter what. We should always believe the women, according to them, even if their stories don't jive (like ALL of Kavanaugh's accusers).

Where's the outrage from the left about creepy Joe?!!


If the rules changed for Trump to guilty until proven innocent with regard to sexual misconduct, then how come the media isn't accusing him of sexual misconduct?

And if the left is so hypocritical then how come there are left-wing media outlets taking accusing Joe Biden seriously?


I was being sarcastic. The real deal is there are different standards for the left vs the right.

I haven't heard ANY media outlets calling out creepy Joe. Chucky Todd interviewed Biden this morning and not a peep about it. 🤔 I wonder why? (More sarcasm, btw)


Biden said "screw grabbing them by the pussy, I'm gonna dip right into that shit".


‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’

Sounds like him. Or maybe Tom Shillue still in his Biden get up.

In all seriousness at least this isn't a random woman with opposing political views who may or may not have even ever really met the guy, like Kavanaugh's accusers. She really did work for him as an aide and is a lifelong Democrat.



I don't typically click on fake news propaganda links (a "running list", LOL?) stuffed with debunked accusations that miss the point I just made anyway.


You're still afraid to face reality, eh? You'd rather live in the T-rump bubble with the conspiracy theorists ? That's why you have such 'a low IQ', as T-rump likes to point out about his followers.


Hey dogdump, did any of this happen during his term in office, yes or no? Even you article lists the alleged date, so yes or no?

Now tell me was Biden in office when the allegations made against him happened, yes or no?

Do you see the difference from being a public servant and private citizen are different? It's only obvious, but then again, it's you.

This begs the question about Bubba Clinton. Those allegations against him and the women he sexually harrassed, was he in office as the Gov of Arkansas, yes or no? Did he bang the intern in the oval office, yes or no?

So tell me how come you are so critical to Trump, but not to the dems, pray tell? Hypocrite much?


So sexual abuse is fine some of the time - is that what you're saying?

SO long as T-rump raped women 'out of the office' it's OK?

WOW - what a valuable and informed viewpoint you shared. Thanks!


So let's use your premise for the sake of argument. Why aren't bitching and moaning about Biden? Why didn't you bitch and moan about Bubba Clinton?


Clinton was already discussed many times on this forum. Many times. There were investigations into Clinton, he cooperated and they came up with nothing. He's been investigated and brought up for nearly 30 years.

Now T-rump is our President (as much as you're ashamed to admit). There are nearly 2 dozen accusations against him, and he won't cooperate - he laughs them off. Why aren't you bitching and moaning about him? They've been circling him since before he became President. He admitted on tape he likes to sexually assault women. His own former wife testified he raped her. Why aren't you bitching and moaning about him?


Who cares if Clinton was discussed previously. That is completely irrelevant to the discussion right now.

Did he bang Monica Lewinsky in the oval office, yes or no? Did he LIE under oath about it, yes or no? Did he get IMPEACHED FOR LIFE, because of it, yes or no? Did he admit in the Hulu Clinton special that he banged Lewinsky as a "stress reliever", yes or no?

Cliinton publicly admitted he banged Gennifer Flowers after she was out of office. Did they listen to her allegations back then when he was in office, yes or no?

So back to your premise. Why are you still defending Bubba Clinton after everything has been outed? It only shows your biased partisanship. You don't care about women's rights. You only care about Orange Man Bad. Now, just nod your head and say, d'oh.


Your laughably stupid reply is wrong on multiple levels, but what's even your point? That Biden is like Trump? Are you happy with your presumptive candidate? Has all your anti-Trump rhetoric on this issue been discarded with these accusations against your guy, proving you're just a mindless hypocrite?


I'm curious as to where your outrage is over T-rump, and his never ending record of sexually assaulting women ? You're quick to jump on Biden, but have never said a word about T-rump's behavior.

Go ahead, spin it - in 3, 2, 1....


Actually I've commented on the various dubious accusations against Trump in depth on many of the countless threads posted on that topic over the years.

This thread is about Biden and involves fresh accusations. Try to keep up.


Actually I've commented on the various dubious accusations against Trump in depth on many of the countless threads posted on that topic over the years.

Yes, by twisting it into 'But what about Clinton?' and 'What about Franken?'

You have yet to address the nearly 2 dozen women who have come forward and accused him of sexually assaulting them. Not once.


Nope, I've discussed specific accusers as I did for Kavanaugh in years past when those stories came up.

You have yet to address the new accusation against Biden which is this thread's topic, however. You're just deflecting.


I don't like these political hatchet women. They wait 30 years, bring zero evidence, and try to ruin a man's life on a 30 year memory(or lie).

Go to the police when someone violates you.


I'm a woman and I agree with you.


At the risk of being called a Me Tooer, I agree too!


I think it's to do with their position. They don't say anything to rise in power or hold their job more than their dignity until 18-30 years later, have an epiphany, then rant about it just at the right time that person is doing something important be it a position of power or trending famously, rarely anywhere else. It's almost like they planned it or it came to convenience.


Trump deposited the million dollars into her Swiss account. Another MeTooer of great integrity for ya.


If nothing happened, he's got nothing to worry about. Ignoring it is just bad for press. That is, if the 'librul media' was actually concerned about Reade's accusations instead of ignoring it.
