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Adam Schiff shreds Dershowitz's defense argument

Democrat Adam Schiff is being lauded for his shredding Alan Dershowitz's defense argument from earlier this week.

Dershowitz’s argument that President Donald Trump’s quid-pro-quo agreement involving military aid to Ukraine and investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden was fine, and perfectly legal. Dershowitz also argued that the president could justify launching any investigations into Biden, solely on the grounds that he sincerely believed that winning his election was in the public interest. Imagine that?

Here's what Schiff had to say:

“See how you feel about this scenario. President Obama, on an open mic says to [Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev], ‘I know you don’t want me to send this military money to Ukraine because they’re fighting and killing your people. I want you to do me a favor, though. I want you to do an investigation of Mitt Romney, and I want you to announce you found dirt on Mitt Romney, and if you’re willing to do that quid pro quo, I won’t give Ukraine the money they need to fight you on the front line.’ Do any of us have any question that Barack Obama would be impeached for that kind of misconduct?”



The only problem with that argument is Trump never said anything remotely like that.


It was Dershowitz' argument. So your argument is that Trump's defense was arguing the wrong defense? That's a bigger problem than what Schiff said.


Exactly. Schiff was responding to Dershys defense argument.


We'll never ever get a solid argument from Dersh.

The dems have their argument. Trump withheld aid to help his re-election, and released it after the whistleblower caught him in the act.

Team Epstein will never explain why Trump did either of those things.

Dersh and friends are a complete joke.


I love Dersh's defense that T-rump's corruption is effectively fine, since his re-election is 'public'. Seriously ?


You are misrepresenting Dershowitz's argument just as Schiff did when he claimed Dershowitz said no quid pro quo would be illegal. Dershowitz never said that; indeed, he gave a specific example of a hypothetical illegal quid pro quo.


Is that the Republican defense today, after Schiff tore his argument apart ? It's hard to keep up with the way Republicans are changing their defense each hour.


The changing defense of Trump is amazing to watch. From denial to admitting on the grounds that basically anything he does is not impeachable. SAD!


Fcking ridiculous.


from how few responses you've gotten despite how active trumps cuckservatives are its clearly they don't really have a defence.


They haven't gotten their talking points from Hannity and Alex Jones yet...just wait, they'll come up with something moronic. You can count on krl97a for that.

Or they will send elcamino (the village idiot) to the front line again on his own to do battle.
