MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do atheists get so much hate?

Why do atheists get so much hate?

Especially by conservatives.


People don't like to hear truth, especially conservatives.


Because they are unbelievers ! Infidels ! Eaters of filth !

But seriously how would you react to someone who poo-poohed the thing that you held most dear, especially when your belief wasn't something you could absolutely defend against criticism ?


can't stand not being able to enforce their religious beliefs on them. or stand hearing that a large part of their world view is a made-up fantasy based on a fairy tale


Yes but Christianity, although it may well be a made up fantasy based on a fairy tale, is one of the foundation stones upon which Western Civilization was built. And that makes it very important.


cool and so was slavery, murdering natives (in north america), racism and a ll sorts of other anti science superstitious beliefs. Im not saying we don't have to recognize that it was the foundation, just not sure what you are saying we should do about it. everything came from something. the foundations of our modern information revolution was built on a technical one and then built on the industrial one. this is a fact but does it afford it some sort of "sacred position".

I often hear "well all the thinkers and early scientists and universities were Christians in Europe!" umm ya duh you

1. literally would of been murdered if you had started an aetheist university and they deemed your teachings blasphemy
2. almost everyone was a religious. anyone who wasn't either faced 1. mentioned above or kept it to themselves.

so are we supposed to celebrate this?

plus the people of christianity are still around trying to enforce their anti science beliefs on us so.
