MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump defense utterly annihilates Democr...

Trump defense utterly annihilates Democrat impeachment case in about 20 minutes.

They went longer anyway, but only a couple of hours rather than the 8 or so hour marathon sessions the Democrats ran each day. Today the defense focused on the factual record, correcting blatant lies by Schiff and highlighting evidence from Democrats' own House railroad job that they went out of their way to omit in their near 23 hour presentation that blasts fatal holes in their case.

It's worth taking time to watch the whole thing, but at least watch the first couple of speakers.


Well considering the so-called articles contain no laws broken, and no evidence to support Schiffs fantasy world. I’m surprised it took this long.

That idiot would be laughed out of every court of law in the land.


Even the Democrats' tactics were stupid. They spend so much time in their deranged leftist bubble preaching to the choir that Schiff incredibly thought it would be a good idea to use a garbage leftist story about Trump supposedly threatening to put Senators' "heads" "on a pike" if they voted against him, prompting outrage from at least a couple of the supposed potential swing voters they're allegedly targeting, particularly Collins and Murkowski, even earning immediate vocal head shakes and a loud "That's not true!" from Collins. They're actively alienating so called "moderates".
