MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is Tulsi Gabbard the best candidate?

Is Tulsi Gabbard the best candidate?

I mean Joltin' Joe is the front runner, but perceived as too old (about the same age as Trump). Warren and Klobuchar were both endorsed by NYT, I assume because they're women since they are much different politically. The hardcore Socialist Bernie was endorsed by bartender AOC. Bloomberg and Steyer: 2 more billionaires we don't need, even if we need their money. That leaves Tulsi, the maverick. She just sued Hillary for $50 million and has appeal across the political spectrum; she's got 2 things none of the others have: youth and beauty. If not this year maybe someday she'll be the first woman President! Change my mind!


Isn’t it funny the best Democrat party candidate is the one least like the Democrat party.


I dont get why Hillary and the other democrats are trying to destroy her. She has good ideas and is very likeable. I would probably vote for her if given the chance.


Lol! No you won't Bubba, don't be silly. You'll vote for Trump no matter.


It takes a good guy with wacky hair to stop a bad guy with wacky hair. Bernie had it in 2016, but that Bernie left us.


Regardless of if you support him or not, Bernie can't beat Trump.


Not true, which is why Tucker is now telling the Trump campaign to focus on things Bernie has been fighting for for 40 years.

Bernie's only real struggle is with the DNC that spits in his face every chance they get.

Repubs assume they can just throw out the label "socialism" and somehow get the people with student loan debt to vote for them, or get those with rising premiums to vote for them, or get those struggling on minimum wage to vote for them.

And don't forget that Trump beat Hillary by opposing Wall Street and the corporate establishment she refused to distance herself from. Bernie flips that whole thing around, making Trump the corporate stooge.

Repubs sure are putting a whole lot of hope on a mere label.


She is boarder line anti establishment, so she'd get my vote. That's why her own party doesn't love her, not so different from why a lot of Republicans don't love Trump. I think America would vote for her for the same reason Trump won, she's simply not a party lapdog. The Democrats still haven't realized that Americans are tired of the cut and paste politicians, and it's why they will lose the next election.


DNC hates her because she isn't far left or establishment left. She's the only candidate that talks of ending regime change around the world. Then again, while true, if US doesn't do it, US and China will fill those void as they're already doing (well, mostly Russia). EU needs to step up to the plate. It's proxy wars out there and secret wars that most don't know about.
