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Impeachment inquiry hearings

When will these hearings be OVER?! I'm so sick and tired of them I could throw up. They are preempting all of my favorite radio and tv shows. I googled my question but it was never told when they would be over. Sh-t!!!


Look fat, here's the deal. Move to Venezuela.


YOU move to the moon where you came from!


Look fat, here's the deal. You're the one constantly bitching about the USA. Instead of bitching about it, just leave to the Sean Penn endorsed Socialist haven known as Venezuela. You're a socialist, so it only makes sense. So, move to Venezuela.


I'm not a socialist! I'm an Independent!


PSSSSSSSSSSSST - he doesn't know what that means.


He's an admitted troll. Don't waste your time having ANY serious conversation with him. Not worth it.


He's just here to have fun by calling people komrade, socialist, fairy, etc. He admitted it weeks ago.


Independent is how you see yourself based off of party affiliation. It has nothing to do with the system of government you prefer. Apparently, your komrades didn't understand that as well. What else is new?🙄 So let's test you to see, shall we?

You were for medicare for all, but now are at least in favor for a public option yes?

Choose one. Progressive tax or Flat tax?

Hate speech laws enacted. Yes or no?

All levels of education paid by the govt, yes or no?

Are you in favor of gun buy backs and govt gun confiscation, yes or no?

Wealth redistribution, yes or no?


That Bass woman says she wants another impeachment trial after Donald gets reelected.
Before the House has even voted on impeaching President Donald Trump, Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) told TMZ on Tuesday that she would support impeachment for a second time if the president is re-elected in 2020.
