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Rep. Schiff's 11/19 Closing Statement Was Historic

“Why should Americans care about Ukraine?”

“They will need to ask themselves – are we prepared to accept that a president of the United States can leverage official acts, military assistance, White House meetings, to get an investigation of a political rival?” he said.

“I don’t think we want to go there.”

50 years from now, future news media will replay those words to immortalize this era. Hopefully, our democracy will not be replaced by an autocratic political system.


Yeah but he has bug eyes. Therefore anything he says is a lie. I know because I hear it from Trumpers all the time.


If Trumpers had it their way, all of us anti-Trump people, all gays, all immigrants (illegal AND legal) and pretty much all Muslims would be rounded up and killed, holocaust style.

You really think many of them would object if Donald suddenly gathered the power to do so? I sure don't.


The eyes are wild but he can't help it. He can however help being a corrupt jerk.
But I thought you guys love personal insults about people? Look at the way President Trump is talked about for his looks every day.

If Schiff was on the right, the left would tear him apart for his eyes/looks and you know it.


The Trump cult only found out who he was after the whistleblower. Before the whistleblower was ever a thing, the left attacked Shiff multiple times for siding with the warmongers, primarily in siding with the warmonger narrative that Iran attacked Saudi Arabia even though the Houthi rebels claimed credit for it. Schiff's neoconservatism goes back years, but again, the Trump cult only found out about him because of Trump's Ukraine call.

You see, the left are actually principled and will attack democrats who slant to the middle. But when Trump makes a tweet with a silly insult in it, his mindless followers repeat it until they are blue in the face.


The left never attacked Schiff. If they did, he wouldn't be leading the impeachment hearing as he is an actual detriment for the dems. You know he knows who the whistleblower is. WaPo proved that based off his news interviews.

Schiff is a neocon? pul-leeze! What a joke. Schiff's pushed the Russian conspiracy agenda to the front and to no avail, but it's only NOW we know about him? Where the hell have you been for the past 3 years?

You see, the left are actually principled and will attack democrats who slant to the middle. But when Trump makes a tweet with a silly insult in it, his mindless followers repeat it until they are blue in the face.

The left are principled? Did the left sanction Ilhan Omar and her anti-semitic tweets? No. Did the left tell Maxine Waters to shut up when she preached mob tactics to right wingers? No. Did the left apologize to the Covington kids when the truth was revealed? No. That's a buttload of principle the left has, don't they?

Seriously ultravomit, heed my words and put the dunce cap on and shut up. You are the opposite of evolution as your posts only show you to be devolving right before everybody's eyes.


Are you kidding me? 🙄😅
I've known who Adam Full-Of-Schiff was for many years now.
You guys sure assume a lot about people who post here. So generic.


There are videos of TYT criticizing Schiff just this year. Schiff is part of the establishment democratic side of neoconservative warmongering. Yet the low bar of criticizing his bug eyes was not a thing until Trump made the Ukraine call.

In fact, I even have a post on here disagreeing with Schiff before the impeachment thing began. I'd be willing to bet that's one more post against Schiff than you've posted before the investigation.


TYT criticizing Schiff? Who cares what TYT says. You? Because they're f#%ing better than you? Conservatives sure don't care. Again, where the hell have you been for 3 years during the Russia investigation. Seriously, for the benefit of your own komrades, shut up.


In 10 years nobody will care about what white people here did. Ukraine will just go off and do its on thing because we won't be giving it money or care what those white people over there do.


If we stop giving them money, there won't be a Ukraine. Russia will continue invading and take it over.


Internet Troll:
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

-wikipedia definition


He's a troll for...posting quotes from an actual event that was televised?

Jesus, I knew you Trumpers loved to deny reality to suit your narrative but this is pushing into "insane" territory.

That sounds about the accurate way of Trumper thinking: posting the truth is trolling. Sounds like how Donald slams people for telling the truth.

The truth has no place in authoritarian countries, after all.


[–] Bubbathegut (5923) 20 hours ago

I would just give up because you are seriously getting owned and rekt!



I'm still waiting for your reply in the other thread, or are you finally heeding my words?


They couldn't have asked for a better chairman during these hearings. He knows exactly what he's doing.

As one journalist said after his first day, Schiff gives a 'masterclass' on how to run these hearings.


Yeah, I keep seeing Trumpers bashing Schiff but never really elaborating upon what he's done "wrong".

They're just like their cult leader: they bully and bash but can't find a way to actually refute anything.


They wish Schiff was as bad as his predecessor Nunes in the role of chairman. Far from it.


I'm noticing a running theme: all the republicans during this impeachment are adopting the Trump tactic: bully, deflect, distract and, when none of that works, just decide upon their own accord that "crime is not crime".

I can't believe they're willing to slit their own throats rather than throw donald under the bus. Idiots.


And history will remember the fact 60 million Americans fully endorsed this treasonous, non-presidential behavior.

I will never look at our countrymen the same way again, knowing apparently 60 million are out and about, not only endorsing authoritarian tactics like this but apparently wanting more: a full-blown dictatorship.

I'll never look at our own citizens the same way again. Apparently, our nation's epidemic of stupidity was stronger than I ever could have realized.


And history will remember that nearly 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary.


Which proves how broken our election system is.


Try to remember how ever since back in the 70's or almost 50 YEARS AGO, some people haven't had a RAISE that keeps up with or meets the increases that we've had in the COST of LIVING.

So when some SCAM MAN comes along making FALSE PROMISES to them that he's going to MAKE their LIVES like they use to be 50 YEARS ago, they're so desperate that they're ready to BUY into the BIG FAT LIES he tells them (like he'll OPEN UP MINES again when no such thing has happened and the MINING COMPANY has also gone BELLY UP).

And the FARMERS also BELIEVED HIM WHEN he told them the LIE about how the TARRIFS were going to IMPROVE their lives, but now they're also going BANKRUPT and will be forced to give up the farm land they've owned for several generations because of the SCAM MAN.

And their LAND will also end up in the HANDS of RICH FAT CATS that the SCAM MAN gives the TAX BREAKS TO.

So one also can't see the FARMERS or the MINERS voting again for him, anymore than one can see VICTIMS of the FAKE UNIVERSITY SCAM that he pulled on them voting for him.

Eventually he was BOUND to be CAUGHT in all of the LIES that he's tells.

It's inevitable.

And Hopefully that also means it's NOT VERY LIKELY that he'll find enough VOTERS again that will give him another ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory in 2020.


What gives me hope is that many of his rust belt state voters are growing tired of him. Also, Kentucky and Alabama turning blue...DAMN...LOL!


Spare me your sanctimonious chepooka! Do you honestly believe Schiff believed any of those words? If you do, why isn't he bitching about Obama? Trump has already given more aid to Ukraine then Obama. Trump has also given Javelin missiles to Ukraine. Obama never did. Seriously, how naive and ignorant are you? How indoctrinated are you? How stupid are you? Those are all rhetorical. Just fyi.

Yes. Schiff's monologue will go down in history like FDR's "Day in infamy" speech. 🙄 What a joke!

He gives interviews saying it's not a witch hunt and this is the "discovery" phase, but then goes to Long Beach and gives a speech saying, "we're going to send that charlatan back to his gold throne." His own words proves he's straight out lying. But it doesn't fit your indoctrinated narrative, does it? That's why you're ignorant and stupid so much, komrade.

Flashcard, dunce. Flashcards!


I prefer “ we're going to send that charlatan back to his gold throne."


So then you would agree that Schiff was COMPLETELY LYING when he said he made no presumption when the impeachment hearings began, yes?


I suggest you listen to November 20th testimony which contradicts your propaganda re: Obama and Ukrainian aid.

"Schiff's monologue will go down in history"
I was actually comparing his speech to those made during Watergate and the McCarthy eras of corruption and extremism.

An American president can't strong arm a foreign leader to find dirt on his political opponent. Period.


I heard Sondland say, "Trump said I don't want nothing. I don't want a quid pro quo. I want him to do the right thing." Didn't you hear that too?

Schiff's monologue won't be remembered at all. Not even you will remember it and it was memorable to you.

But a vice President could strong arm a foreign leader and brag about even, yes?


You’re such a tool Eric


is that Jordan the guy that let the pedohifile do the kids at the colllage


Indeed he is. He's got experience with defending sex offenders - which is why he's defending T-rump these days.


That's all you got? Boy, you really let me have a piece of your mind, didn't you? Then again, it would make sense in answering my question. Oh well. Pray continue.🤪


Yes Eric
Your not worth the time of day


I understand. You only have so much brain power in a day. Stick with your indoctrinated script since INDEPENDENT THOUGHT requires too much energy. 😁🤪🤣
