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Democrats invite Trump to testify

They would prefer he testify with exculpatory evidence rather than Tweet during the hearings.
I hope he does so he can clear his good name and the country can move on


He would pwn schifty schiff so hard if he did.


Why doesn't he? What's this "if he did" ? He's been invited - so what's stopping him?

Oh yes- the entire Republican party, scared shitless he will perjure himself within the first fifteen minutes.

So much for being such an honest, innocent man.


As the dogdump said, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Obama could've done the same for Fast and Furious and Loretta Lynch could've come clean about her tarmac meeting, but they didn't so don't hold your breath, fatzo. You see how hypocritical you are? You don't? Ignorance is Strength. Or is it stupidity? I can't tell anymore as those are so interchangeable with you.


Hey Eric, yr mothers calling you


Obama and Lynch were facing an impeachment investigation?

I didn't know that ! Damn! Why have you been sitting on this for so long Shitman? You should have shared this with the media - especially Hannity on FOX!

But what is good for the goose certainly is good for the gander - let's go back to the Clinton impeachment hearings, and see if he can behave like Clinton did.


Try to keep it together dogdump. If you don't know what the conversation is, you should go back and review what was said. Ignorance is Strength or is it stupidity or both? I'm sorry, but I just can't keep track any more so I'm just going to cover everything and say both.

Back in the Clinton impeachment? You want to go back there? That was a LYNCHING according to dems. Those words are not acceptable. You sure you want to revisit the LYNCHING per the dems? Hypocritical, aren't they and you.


The conversation is about T-rump testifying to the House Investigation Committee during his impeachment trials. Looks like you didn't know that, autistic one.

Because for comparison sake YOU bring in Obama and Lynch - saying they should've testified as well. Which begs the question: Obama and Lynch were subject to impeachment?

At least in your 'undeveloped brain' (as you said) you think they did.


Read the thread title.

Don't you think republicans wanted Obama to testify for Fast and Furious? Would he ever if he gave an Executive Privilege? How Ignorant can you be? Dunce much?

Speaking of dunce, yes you're a despicable dunce, but don't let that deter you from enjoying Alice the Fairy! Alice the Fairy is free for everybody to view and is to be enjoyed by everybody including idiotic dunces like yourself. Tee-hee to your heart's content.


I did read the thread title: Democrats want T-rump to testify.

What are you having trouble comprehending? It's about the Dems (hint: involved with the Impeachment Investigation) want T-rump (hint: the fat blob in the WH) to testify.

Why is this giving you so much trouble to understand?


What is it in my post do you not understand? Oh, everything. Ignorance is Strength. What else is new?

Speaking of understand, do you understand the words when you view the read aloud versions of Alice the Fairy? I hope you do, because I want you to get the full experience of the book. You'll maximize your tee-hees this way.


He's just here for fun. He admitted it.


Yes. What's wrong with that, exactly?


His "good name"??????? Surely you jest!


Trump should really ask each, what their gender is, since none are binary anymore tee hee..
