MovieChat Forums > Politics > Don't you hate how making one little cri...

Don't you hate how making one little criticism about immigrants suddenly makes you racist?

I'm very much open to immigration but I believe every race has their flaws. Black, white, native, Asian, no race is immune.

I'm from Canada and I've heard immigrants criticize Canada for being racist, having too many white people and being too catholic. But if someone criticizes immigrants for not speaking the language, its racist, ignorant and xenophobic. It just doesn't make sense to me. We're too quick to defend others, but we shame ourselves.


I dunno, maybe I don't pay enough attention to Canadian news or it gets overshadowed by U.S. news. Most news agencies here play off Canada as sort of milquetoast. I know it isn't so, but not many pay attention to my opinions ;) I'm sure you're aware of the same thing happening here. For the record, this pathetic lack of patriotism is going to backlash in a devastating way.


I'm from Canada and I've heard immigrants criticize Canada for being racist, having too many white people and being too catholic.

Name an immigrant you heard saying this. What country? What was the context of the conversation? Where were you when you heard this?

(This should be interesting.)

But if someone criticizes immigrants for not speaking the language, its racist, ignorant and xenophobic.

What language? You know that Canada was first populated by indigenous people and French settlers before tons of English-people fled there after the American revolution, right?

You also know that since the beginning of immigration, it's typical for immigrants to speak both languages, but their children to be the ones to drop the mother tongue entirely and "speak the language"? To this day in NYC, we have entire immigrant communities that not only speak a foreign language but have signs in that language, such as Russian, Asian, etc.:

See, it's this kind of stuff that gets people like you pegged as racist--the double standard. The reason why is that when there were tons of immigrants freely speaking Italian, Russian, Yiddish, Armenian, Greek, etc., everyone understood this dynamic. They understood that immigrants fresh off the boat hardly spoke the language but their children would.

But all of a sudden, we have brown and Asian immigrants doing the same thing, and they're not allowed to speak the language like other groups did. Now they're "forcing" their language on us or "refusing to integrate," even though their children are integrating and their only crime is to speak more than one language fluently. Funny how we have huge pockets of Russians and Jews here speaking Russian and Yiddish and they never get screamed out for not speaking the language in public, but a couple of latinos will get screamed at.


When you put "this should be interesting" shows me that whatever I say you're going to go in reading it in attack mode. But either way...

I've heard it quite a few times. I'll give an example. Just last week I was at the store and they were playing Christmas music. I heard an immigrant couple (I could tell from their accents) complain about why they were being forced to listen to listen to it because they don't celebrate it. I'm not going to go to Mexico and complain about their celebration of Day of the Dead. I can either choose to celebrate myself or don't complain about it when it was me who chose to go there.

You are 100% correct about indigenous languages, but that exactly proves my point. When the English and French came, they didn't learn any indigenous languages. It's not racist to call it out because it's true. However, when immigrants come to Canada and don't speak any indigenous languages, it's racist to call them out just because they're immigrants. As Canada's population gets bigger, the number of people who speak native languages declines. We've rightfully spent a lot of money trying to preserve it. Even the amount of English and French speakers has declined. I mean how can someone say not learning indigenous languages is racism, but be okay with immigrants not doing it?

How many times have you heard someone say "I went to (enter country here), they don't even speak English?". There is so much entitlement with that statement. It's up to that person to adapt, not for them to complain about it because everyone else isn't doing it to them.

I personally don't care if someone decides to speak their own language in Canada, but don't call other people ignorant if people don't feel that way.
I wouldn't walk up to a Mosque and start preaching Catholicism.

Also, they weren't French "settlers". They raped and murdered just like the English did. This is why the overwhelming majority of indigenous tribes oppose Quebec separation.


Canada has two official languages. Do you speak French fluently, too?

"Just last week I was at the store and they were playing Christmas music. "

Seriously, it's way too early for Christmas music. It makes my blood boil whenever I see Xmas anything before Thanksgiving let alone Halloween. I know Canadians have different traditions, but Xmas is too early for most Americans. It feels disrespectful to turn a religious holiday into a money-making shopping extravaganza for months ad nauseam.


I do but that's irrelevant to the point. Most Canadians can't speak any indigenous languages but then get upset when someone else gets mad when someone tells immigrants for not speaking English and French.


They sound stupid. Just because someone is speaking another language doesn't mean they don't know French or English. Even if they don't, it takes time to learn another language. Children adapt easier.

European-Canadians used to remove indigenous children from their families and placed them in boarding schools forbidding them to speak their language or practice their culture.


Yep. Even as recent as the 90s. I've always been thought about how upset natives must be. They're right. Although I find the argument of decolonization completely impossible.


Decolonization isn't realistic. But empowerment is. At least, the Indigenous people in Canada appear to have it more together than in the States.


Empowerment? What's the matter with the US's indigenous people and who are speaking of specifically?

Now if you had the flash cards I've recommended, you'd be able to refer to them and maybe form a coherent statement. Since you don't and deny yourself, you're going to give me some generalized chepooka that has no specifics or any data to back anything up. You're going to rely on the "because I say so" line from you indoctrinated script.


"...and who are speaking of specifically?"

Is English your first language?


I'm very much open to immigration but I believe every race has their flaws.
No race has flaws. That misunderstanding is probably what makes people call you racist. When you start to believe an entire race of people has something negative about them because of their race, you're pretty much asking to be called a racist.

Unless you are mistaking race with culture.


By flaws I mean stereotypes that we have. Every race has a stereotype that goes against them and we often use them toward one another.


Even stereotypes aren't racial. They are cultural. But nevertheless, you don't get called racist for pointing out stereotypes. But if you're criticizing people for those stereotypes or laughing at them for it, that changes things.


You don't get called racist for pointing out racial stereotypes??? Oh wait, but if you're criticizing people for those stereotypes of laughing at them for it, that changes things? Brilliant deduction Holmes! Did you figure that all by yourself, of do you normally contradict yourself writing two sentences? 🙄

Seriously UV, go sit in the corner and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to remind people that you're stupid, it's to remind you.


That's harsh.


Immigrants say that? The fuck? It's like me going to China and saying they have too many Chinese and being too (whatever religion China does be it Buddhism/Taoism or whatnot).

Which part of Canada are you from? Have you noticed a change in demographics? Do you see more Asians walking beside you now? Are there more Muslims or Africans or other? You can sorta get a grasp of where your country is going more or less by the change of people around you. There must be a lot of Asian restaurants around you by now.


I'm from Toronto. 51% of the population here weren't born in the country. It's very diverse. The population in general has doubled in the last 30 years. Most immigrants are cool with Canada, but there are a few people who openly criticize it. For example, one of the leaders of Black Lives Matter Toronto is a black woman who was born in Somalia. She said Canada is racist because she never experienced racism until she came here. Funny how she never noticed it until she became a minority.


Don't you hate how making one little criticism about immigrants suddenly makes you racist?[/quote]


[quote]I believe every race has their flaws. Black, white, native, Asian, no race is immune.

You're not helping your case here. At all.


Why not? I never singled out a specific race nor did I mention what the flaws were. Just like people, no race is perfect.


The fact that you said it and don't understand it even after more than one person has brought this up shows that you just don't get it and probably never will.


And I disagree. The other poster said you don't get called racist for pointing out stereotypes. That is completely untrue. Black people being criminals is a stereotype. If I read a story where a black person was a criminal and I said "typical", I would rightfully be called a racist. Someone else even disagreed with what that poster said, too.


Samoanjoes, please understand that you're trying to rationally speak to an indoctrinated NPC. Anything that does not fit his narrative, he is against and will label you an ist/phobe for doing so. These people are completely devoid of INDEPENDENT THOUGHT if you have not realized as of yet, but you will if you continue to read their posts.

Canada is a wonderful country and hockey is near and dear to my heart. What are your thoughts on Trudeau as you PM?


I liked him at first but he's been messing up a lot the last few months. There was a scandal with one of his party members, blackface scandal, and a groping scandal.


Really? He's like THE most ignorant poster here. He's suffering from a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. No joke. He hates Trump so much that he probably agrees with Bill Maher and hopes for a recession. That is shamelessly anti-American thinking.


Sweden can't
One Fourth of People Named 'Ali' in Sweden Have a Criminal Record


This is the scary part:

The connection between crime and ethnicity has become a hot-button issue in Sweden in recent years. The most recent mapping of migrant crime was carried out in 2005; afterwards, the practice of recording the race or ethnicity of convicted criminals was discontinued for 'ethical reasons'.

It's almost like they think immigrants are criminals but they don't want to admit it in fear of being called racist.


If you're not a Democrat, you're a racist.


Pretty much. I'm neither liberal or conservative and I've noticed that.
