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"Whistleblower" exposed

The White House “whistleblower” (seditionist) is Eric Ciaramella.

- Registered Democrat
- Worked for Obama
- Worked with Joe Biden
- Worked for CIA Director John Brennan
- Vocal critic of Trump
- Helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation hoax


I'm shocked!!!


Seems like the alt-right cranks are reviving Mike Cernovich's smear campaign against Ciaramella.


Even if true, everything you listed us 100 irrelevant as many people gave corroborated his claims and BEYOND by now.

Sometimes I wonder if you Trumpers TRY to out-stupid each other. Certainly seems like it.


Does anyone know what her first 2 lines mean?


No. Including him/her.


Yeah I'm not sure of the gender, I just made an assumption. Sorry about that.
Oh and that last sentence wasn't because I'm trying to be politically correct - just trying to be polite. Yeah yeah, I know - but I am trying.


They certainly do try to out-stupid each other...and win!!!


Now we know why Trump loves his base so much: they're the only people in the world he's smarter than.




“The call was absolutely perfect! And that’s why we immediately hid it away in a secret server!”


{Yawn}... wuzzat? You say something? ...{snore}
Lol ;)


PS: And, like all Trumpers do, you are linking this from some bumblefvck strongly-pro conservative cult-like website no one even heard of before. Typical.

Regardless, even IF true, this doesn't help your Cheeto god one iota since many people from BOTH parties have corroborated his claims.


Trump / Pence 2020


I agree: 20 years imprisonment for Trump and 20 years imprisonment for Pence. Nice to see we finally agree on something for a change.




- Worked with Joe Biden

There it is. So do his antics count as a campaign contribution? Because demonizing Trump is a "thing of value" to his buddy Biden's campaign, and I've been assured by some moronic Democrat clowns on this board that anything of value to a campaign is regulated as a campaign contribution, and therefore potentially illegal.


We'll have to ask Rudy that one! LOL!

I can't wait to see him getting grilled!


So he hasn't been arrested yet? Does that mean we're still on "Rudy arrest watch", or has that quietly gone away, lol?


On no
He’s as dirty as can be!


If the Senate would wake up and exercise their own subpoena power, maybe we could get some of these answers.

I swear, there is no human being more useless than a U.S. senator. Professional gasbags.


Been saying that about #MoscowMitch for years now - professional gasbag.


Wait a minute - are you telling me the United States Senate has powers of its own? Surely they are miniscule compared to the awesome powers of the Executive Branch.

Next thing you're going to try to tell me is that the Judiciary has its own powers as well.


Sure doesn't feel that way under the Ronald Dump administration, does it?


Agreed. A few of them are worth something. The others need to get off the bench and do their jobs.


Mueller wasn't any of those things and he also got smeared as a seditionist.

So all a president has to do to avoid being impeached is to be so corrupt that he gets everyone to criticize him. His critics all become seditionists and therefore their testimonies are invalid. Thats how it works in Trumpland.


Mueller was a career swamprat Never Trumper who wanted revenge for his buddy Comey getting fired. He hired the most ridiculously over the top biased team imaginable, one stuffed with maxed out Clinton donors (the vast majority for the population doesn't donate to politicians at all, let alone max out), an infamous attack dog with a terrible reputation for unethical practice who was so close to Clinton he was invited to her election night party, and even Clinton's lawyer. Not a single Republican. If you made that up Hollywood would insist on it being a comedy. He used sleazy brute force tactics with the power of the federal government behind him and he destroyed lives, but he failed in his mission to get Trump because the president is innocent.

Does it bother you at all that your side spent 3 years accusing Trump of being a Russian agent only for that narrative to turn out to be BS?


Trump is indeed a Russian puppet, but there's never been an investigation or inquiry to condemn him for it... until now perhaps.

Mueller never even got Trump's tax returns.

We'll get them eventually. Trumptards in tears.


You gotta love how the Trumpers worm and snake their way through these arguments. Whenever they come across a republican who hates Donald, they call them "Never Trumpers" and "RINOS". God forbid Trump EVER be at fault for ANYTHING in their minds. The Trumpers just have an "answer" for everything, don't they?

And yes--we'll get the returns eventually. Once Donald has exhausted every goddamn appeal he could possibly make AND after he's put on his inevitable circus clown act of actually trying to defy the inevitable SCOTUS decision to release his taxes, they'll finally be released. And yes...we know Tronald Dump by now--we all KNOW he is going to push back EVEN after the SCOTUS decision. He's that crazy.


Trump must be the greatest secret agent in history to be able to hide his allegiance to Russian puppeteers after 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents spent two years issuing 2,800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants and conducting 500 interviews.

No one knows if Mueller got Trump's tax returns. Either he couldn't produce enough evidence to meet the fairly minimal evidentiary standard required for obtaining them, or he did get them and they provided no evidence of collusion, conspiracy or any other crime.


He didn't hide it. That's his problem. He "hid" it in plain sight. The Trump Tower Moscow deal with Russia. Putin telling him what to do in Venezuela. Putin telling him what to do with Iran. Putin telling him what to do in Syria. Trump telling Ukraine that if they want their aid to help against Putin, they gotta dig up dirt on Biden.


Trump is indeed a Russian puppet, but there's never been an investigation or inquiry to condemn him for it..

So you're an insane partisan conspiracy theorist who rejects inconvenient evidence. You support Antifa and won't even say you oppose communism.

Other Democrats here, if there are any with a brain or a conscience, should take note. I'd rather have Trump on my side than ultravioletx, John Brennan, or James Clapper any day.


You say "Never Trumper" as if that is a bad thing. This is America. Last I checked, we're allowed to like/not like a leader if we so choose. You Trumpers make it sound like never liking Trump somehow equals a bad thing. You say "Never Trumper" in a derogatory sense. Are we a free country or not? Kingdoms and empires frown upon citizens who don't respect their leader. We're neither of those.

I don't see anyone calling you Trumpers "Never Obamas" or anything along those lines. Why? Because that label is both stupid and indicative of a line of thinking that not liking an American leader is somehow wrong.


I wear my "Never T-rump" badge proudly every day. I make sure everyone knows I would never, ever, ever support this moron or any of his spawn.


You'd have to be be devoid of self-respect to love and support Donald Trump.

The man OPENLY ADMITS he's only out to help the super rich and his supporters just smile and shout: "MAGA! TRUMP 2020!".


He's out to molest women, too, by grabbing them by their pussy!


Don't worry. I'm sure he wouldn't touch yours.


Ouch!! 😄😄😄😄😄

Down goes Doggie! Down goes Doggie!


I'm sure he wouldn't touch yours.

You're sure, huh? Spoken like a true sexual molester. We learn something new and more disgusting about you every day.


What a cutting retort!


Call/em as I see'em.

No one is 'sure' what a sexual molester would do, unless one was one.


Really? Then you just outed yourself.


Good try, but a complete fail.


Nope. I'll bet your name in real life is Moe Lester.


What a cutting retort!

He's like Dee from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in the recent "Texting" episode, except she's sort of fuckable.


Have you even laid eyes on one outside of a porno video? Blow up dolls don't count.


I'll never understand how women can support that monster.


That's because you live in an alternate reality steeped in hate and bigotry.


"Never Trump" is specifically a term for Republicans and/or conservatives who refuse to support Trump. It goes without saying that Democrats wouldn't support a Republican candidate or president.


"Never T-rump" has a much wider range than that. I know many people of all political parties who call themselves "Never T-rump".

As for Dems not supporting a Republican candidate, ask Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale about that....and the 'Reagan Democrats' that cost each of them the election (1980 and 1984).


You say "Never Trumper" as if that is a bad thing

It speaks to entrenched political bias and the motive for this farce, genius. At least the women who accused Bill Clinton of abuse or other malfeasance were Democrats who supported him: Linda Tripp, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, etc.. Even Jaunita Broaddrick was starry eyed over him before he allegedly raped her.


Trumpers are the very epitome of political bias, so I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make in your mumbling here.


You don't see why accusations by one's own political supporters have more credibility than those by one's opponents? That's because you're a moron with a rabid and irrational totalitarian mindset. I'm not surprised that someone who supports criminalizing membership in the NRA and who says you "hope" Trump dies doesn't care a whit about fairness or the truth.


If it weren't for the fact that it's absolutely psychotic, I'd almost admire the way you twist, spin, contort and bastardize things to fit your view. There is so much gaslighting strawman waffle in that post of yours that I won't even bother untangling that knot.


That's convenient, you lying dimwit.


Every post I make to you is convenient: you have zero credibility. I could just post "Ladee ladee dah!" in reply to you and I would still have more credibility than you.

You don't get it, do you, killer? We reply to you for our own amusement. And you apparently like it, too. :)


LOL! You're the one with no credibility. You lose it by fleeing from substance, as you did here. In fact I don't recall you ever posting substantively. Usually you're a boring gasbag delusionally boasting about your own supposed "reputation" or personally attacking others. But your periodic meltdowns are hilarious, dteam6. To wit...

In that post alone you typed "*Sigh*" twice, "p!sses me off" twice, and "frustrated" twice.



That's what you do here, day in and day out. You're a liar and a coward who flees anytime actual valid points are raised.


LOL! You support Donald Trump.

That's all. I literally don't have to say another word in my own defense. :)


And so do MILLIONS of other good people. Reprobate bigots like you brand those MILLIONS as bad people and don't even understand how fucked up that is. You have no defense.


To anyone capable of critical thinking it's crystal clear.


“Sleazy brute force tactics” has been Trumps MO Since the 80s!


And his supporters endorse that tactic wholeheartedly.


Just another toadie that stayed blind to the Bidens theft of money. Donald has to keep them because he can't bring in the desk people because he doesn't know them. Another term of this then Nikki Haley comes in and cleans house and turns the place into little India.


{Gasp} Say it ain't so!
Big surprise there. Basically a given in our current society. Just more hypocritical behavior.
