MovieChat Forums > Politics > That First Amendment sure is a bitch

That First Amendment sure is a bitch

On Tuesday afternoon, the Massachusetts state legislature considered banning the word “bitch.”

Yes, seriously.

The state legislature’s Joint Committee on the Judiciary considered the bill, which was introduced a few months ago by state Rep. Dan Hunt, a Democrat. The bill says that “a person who uses the word 'bitch' directed at another person to accost, annoy, degrade or demean the other person shall be considered to be a disorderly person.” According to, the penalties “provide for a fine of not more than either $150 or $200, or jail time of up to six months.” As for a reporting mechanism, either the offended party or a third-party witness can report offenders to the police.


As a Massachusetts liberal I find the idea of this ridiculous and would be shocked if actually passed. Seems like not only would enforcing it be a nightmare, but of the many things you can say to a person, the word 'bitch' seems on the mild side lol


It's so patently unconstitutional that I have to wonder if it's just a p.r. stunt.


Hunt sent it through the process to see if it would pass. He's not actually interested in banning the word.


So he's just wasting tax payer money then. Typical.


Thats stupid. Taxpayers are paying him to pass legislation, and they are pushing for this legislation to be proposed. For him to say no would be to waste taxpayer money.

But of course your mind struggles to achieve a level of thought that surpasses drooling on your keyboard.


More childish attempts to insult. Do you think you're giving weight to what you are saying? Maybe to the other babies here but certainly not to adults. Keep it up.


See? You did it again. You ignored the substance and turned into a snowflake because I accused you of drooling. Here, I'll make it easier for your tender sensibilities.

Taxpayers are paying him to pass legislation, and they are pushing for this legislation to be proposed. For him to say no would be to waste taxpayer money.

Is that better?


More advanced thinking. Try to follow. Bothering to try to discuss things like an adult, with someone who is behaving like a child is futile to me and not worth my time.


You have never bothered to discuss anything with me rationally in the history you have been alive. Your initial reply to me was a non sequitur. I asked for an articulation, you refused. You kept refusing. Then when I accused your constant refusal to articulate as a form of "drooling on your keyboard," you took offense to it.

But the reality is, you give no choice. You won't articulate anything. Ever. You aren't here for that. You are here to drool on your keyboard.


Blah blah (I'm smart) blah (don't I sound smart) blah blah (you think I'm smart) blah blah blah (you do... right?) blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaa...


Its not a legitimate bill. Someone proposed it to Hunt and Hunt was curious to see if it would survive the process.


Honestly even if it's not serious it seems like such a stupid move. The right continuously paints the left as a bunch of super-sensitive wimps and Hunt proposes something like this that will just give more fodder for them to point at. Crap like this helped put Trump in the White House to begin with.


I agree, but it opens up the conversation on what criteria legislators use to decide what gets sent through the process. I agree they shouldn't send it all through, but if not, what criteria do they base it on.

If the b word bill gets the appropriate push, what grounds does Hunt stand on to say he won't sent it through? "I can't do it because republicans would make fun of me" doesn't quite pass the sniff test.

Hunt was put in a bad position here. But one way around it is to send it through and let the thing fail.


I feel like there must be other ways to open up that conversation without proposing a ludicrous bill in the first place.


This kind of common sense thinking won't even get acknowledged by the child you're talking to.


More childish attempts to insult. Do you think you're giving weight to what you are saying? Maybe to the other babies here but certainly not to adults. Keep it up.


Did these idiots forget what country this is? This isn't England for God's sake! What's next? Jailing people for voting for Trump?


They would if they could. Actually they'd execute them if they could.


Did they reinstate the law jailing anyone who spits on the sidewalk, too?


man liberals are so stupid, really, what a waste of tax payers dollars.



 😂 Love that movie


It's part of a larger pattern on the left, including NYC imposing large fines on people who say "illegal alien" and polls showing a disturbingly large percentage of Americans favor following censorship trends already present in other countries outlawing "hate speech", with the left of course wanting the power to define what is and isn't "hate speech".


Massachusetts is also trying to ban balloons. I mean, I can see ending the release of hundred of balloons at events like parades, but a ban across the board is asinine. People here are already pissed at Baker for the Vape ban, which has forced hundreds of small businesses to shut down.


Yes, and they want to obliterate the private health insurance industry. 2 to 3 MILLION jobs, lost.
