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Definitive psychopath

I wrote this conversing with a poster a couple days ago but it's worth repeating:
Accepted statistical speculation is that 1% of the entire population consists of psychopaths. But a funny thing happens when you start examining management personnel. That percentage rises to 4 in the lower ranks. As you progress up the ladder of management the percentage gets higher. And higher. Psychopathic tendencies appear to be prevalent in "bosses". Frightening, isn't it? But it makes sense. It requires a certain amount of narcissism, a certain lack of empathy, the ability and desire to USE your fellow man to better oneself, to progress up the ladder. What happens when you get to the top? What is the percentage? One in two? One in one?
I don't pretend to know the mindset of the current leader of the free world. However I DO know that his highly successful and highly intelligent children adore him him. They practically idolize him. I doubt a man incapable of empathy could inspire that kind of emotion.
On the other hand, his predecessor, the more and more I learn about him, spins around the inside of the mold settling more and more perfectly into it.
The more intelligent the psychopath is, the harder he is to detect. The best can con civilizations.
And I suppose a very few could have the whole world under their thumb. It's happened so many times before.
Thank God he's no longer in charge.


Not sure about being psychopaths but it seems these days the higher you look in management the more useless they are. Self absorbed micro managers who throw everyone under the bus to get ahead. No inspiration. No ability to lead.

Then you have the idiots in Silicon Valley who have a voice because they were the ones lucky enough to win the tech lottery and have billions in their pocket. Outside of getting lucky on some website they are completely worthless and ignorant in the real world.

As for the psychopaths in government, all the more reason to have term limits and limit all people to a maximum of 10 years in public office during their lifetime. They can get real jobs and people with real experience and jobs can serve in government. The way it was supposed to be. Not the current system of career politicians who only care about empowering themselves.


I never understood the appeal for term limits. What is wrong with being a career politician? It takes experience to become knowledgeable at any job. If they leave by the tenth year, then you always have an amateur who doesn't know how to do anything. Who said politicians weren't supposed to gain experience?


"government of the people, by the people, for the people"

Term limits would help ensure those first two characteristics, which in turn ensures the third. It would allow a lot more people to serve in government, all of whom would do so in the certain knowledge that they will soon return to the ranks of the governed themselves. I don't like that we have a permanent "ruling class" in the U.S., regardless of the party affiliation of those people. This is one of those rare, perfectly bi-partisan problems, because both Democrats and Republicans overstay their welcome.



I disagree. Campaign finance reform is needed to make politicians responsive to voters. Allowing rich people and large corporations to give millions to a politician or political party is disastrous.
For example, the Republican party rushed through the tax cut for the rich because of their threat to withhold future donations to their party unless it was passed. Never mind that most Americans were opposed to it and the rich are now paying less than the struggling middle-class.

Quality, not quantity is needed in politics. A really good, effective and honest politician who represents his/her constituents is rare. I would want that politician to be around for a long time rather than voting in someone mediocre, dishonest or only represents their rich donors.



"how can we tell the difference? "

I pay attention to actions. Are there contradictions with what they say and do? You have local leaders. A congressperson, senator, mayor, assembly member, advocate, etc. You must know if they're helping you or your community. Are local problems being solved? Do you want to replace anyone and why? Have they done what they said they would?

Voters expect leaders to be perfect like the second coming of Jesus Christ. They're criticized for stupid things like a bad haircut or if their spouse isn't wearing a nice dress. They're human. They don't need to be "noble". But, i don't want a crook either. Represent the voters and keep campaign promises.



"Mutually assured destruction doesn't help us."

The main problem appears to be with extremist politicians, not the moderates. I want McConnell out because he's an obstructionist. He's more about party above country. I read that Obama wanted to work with both parties, but McConnell refused because he wanted to hurt Obama's popularity and win Republican seats.

I want politicians with practical ideas that will actually help people instead of simplistic & useless ideas that only make good sound bites. For instance, Wang's UBI idea is completely impractical.



And I completely agree.
And I think your handle is interesting, too.


Some of what you are writing is true. I recommend the book, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President by Bandy X. Lee , Robert Jay Lifton".

There are ranges of narcissism. Trump is a malignant narcissist (the most severe) and sociopath like Hitler who was also adored by millions. They tend to have characteristics like grandiosity which appear as charisma, strength and self-confidence to his admirers. Other symptoms include paranoia and delusions which become worst with more power.

Failed sociopaths end up in prison. The successful ones can end up rich business owners because they have no problem cheating, lying and manipulating others.

The Toxic Triangle are the three ingredients that made a Trump presidency possible. A society with economic issues, a needy population that believes they're losing ground economically and/or socially along with a leader who will manipulate them by saying only he can save them in the tradition of Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Jim Jones, Khomeini and Pol Pot.

"I DO know that his highly successful and highly intelligent children adore him him."
Two of them are obviously stupid and they all own their success to nepotism and a rich daddy as did Trump who inherited millions from his father which he lost.



The book and some of the things Trump says has convinced me that he is delusional and paranoid. He has also mentioned several times about launching a nuclear bomb. Nuclear war is not winnable.

Trump has NOT kept his promises.

He hasn't built the wall.
He hasn't denuked North Korea.
He hasn't revised coal mining.
He hasn't won the trade war which he said would be easy. Farmers are suffering and taxes are subsidizing them.
He hasn't repealed and replaced Obamacare.
He hasn't created high-paying factory jobs. Manufacturing is now in a recession.
He said no salary but he is making millions from tax dollars by "vacationing" in his own hotels/golf resorts.
He hasn't released his tax returns after he said he would.
The average American's life has not economically improved. The economy is fine for the rich, but the working/middle-classes are still struggling.
He made the national debt much larger.
He hasn't balanced the budget.

He's betrayed our important ally the Kurds who helped us fight ISIS. Where is his honor?
His kowtowing to Putin in Helsinki was horrible.
He repeatedly breaks the emoluments clause.
He's too divisive and nuts are mass killing while quoting him.
He's extremely dishonest.
He constantly attacks American institutions and the Constitution itself.



"Every single one of your talking points is literally telling only half the story."

How so? I'm just quickly pointing out a few broken promises. I hope you tackle one or two after you get some rest.

It's refreshing to finally communicate with someone who may have an opposite viewpoint who is forming his own opinions instead of only repeating the talking heads on TV.



Yes, I was complimenting you.



Trump's economy is smoke and mirrors like many politicians' before him. Most new jobs are low-paying and people are struggling with housing, food and healthcare costs. While the rich enjoy their tax cuts and become richer, everyone else is becoming poorer with rising costs and wages stagnant since the 1970s.

He made unrealistic promises about high-paying manufacturing jobs and revising coal and steel. Farmers and manufacturers are suffering because of his trade war. Consumers will be forced to pay more for goods.

Trump inherited an economy and market that have moved up since 2008. A trillion borrowed for the rich tax cut which was used for stock buybacks to boost the market to receive bonuses. The deficit will need to be repaid with interest.

Fracking has been around for a while. Global economies are moving towards green energy and fossil fuels cost billions from climate-warming damage.

My comment was about McConnell's obstructionism, not Obama. One Tea Party tactic is obstructionism from what I read by political strategists.

Both parties make unrealistic promises. The wall was never going to be built or Trump would've done it during the two years when he had both Houses. Too expensive and not practical.

Many of Trump's policies are illegal, cruel or evil, unconstitutional, not practical, harms U.S. national security or global reputation. Both Democrats and Republicans are opposing him. Have you heard about the book release, "A Warning"?

BTW, many Republicans don't like him and secretly complain to reporters. Such cowardice!

A reason for bad politicians is that voters prefer to be lied to in order to hear things that make them feel good instead of being told the truth and having real ideas created that helps them.


The U.S. is greatest country in the world for whom? Too many unhappy, struggling, angry working-class Americans for me to believe that. The Happiness Index rates people in Nordic countries as the happiest. This video will blow your mind and likely put a smile on your face. Just watch the first 3 minutes if it's too long.

It just shows that there is a more pleasant way to live. Our system is crueler which leads to so many problems.

Keelai was a name from a play I saw. I put 2 seconds of thought in usernames and passwords.



I just read a book called, "American Discontent: The Rise of Donald Trump and Decline of the Golden Age" by John L. Campbell. An informative book about why our economy is in trouble, gridlock in Washington and why Trump was elected.

"Make America Great Again" resonated with millions of unhappy Americans suffering economically and who worry about their children's future. People in other countries have similar worries which has lead to support for populism and nationalism.

It sounds like you live in the country. Many people moved into my area so I'm thinking about moving some place quieter, but I like diversity and activities. I'm torn about what to do. Stay where I am, move, live in two places, stay in U.S. or become an expat.




Communism depends of effective psychopaths. Only way to keep the proletariat oppressed. Putin was KGB, then FSK/FSB, then president! Castro was a good student too.



Socialism is the foundation of every economy and government that works. Capitalism cannot exist without that socialistic foundation. Yet socialism can exist without a capitalistic foundation.



There are governments that are purely socialistic governments that work by all definitions of what "work" means. "Successful" is a whole other ball of wax that is subjective. I'm not saying purely socialistic governments are more successful than socialism/capitalism hybrids. What I'm saying is purely socialistic governments can function, while purely capitalistic governments can't even exist. Pure capitalism is impossible for a society because it goes against the very idea of what a society is. Pure capitalism would be pure individualism, hence no society.

There is no threat of our capitalist empire removing its capitalism. Socialism is a dirty word because it stifles crony capitalism.



The only reason the socialism/capitalism hybrid is better is because the jobs haven't all gone to automation yet. Capitalism defeats itself in the long run. Its then up to socialism to fix the problem, either by regulating businesses so that they aren't allowed to automate, or by the Andrew Yang approach with some kind of universal basic income. Libertarianism proves to be an utter failure either way.



The Nordic model is a good mix of socialism and free enterprise.

"Many people in countries operating under what is often referred to as “the American model” of capitalistic enterprise see the Nordic model as an attractive alternative to the winner-take-all brand of capitalism that has resulted in poverty, a lack of affordable quality health care and education, a deteriorating social safety net, a lack of retirement security, massive scandals in the financial markets and tremendous income disparity. They point out that public services, such as education and government run programs in America are of poor quality and that the rich have access to far better resources than the poor and that implementation of the Nordic model could solve these issues."



The low pay has to do more with political beliefs. Conservatives (Tea Party, neoliberalism, Libertarians) believe that smaller government through less spending, and tax cuts for the rich help stimulate economic growth.

A couple of governors have carried this out. Basically what happened was less taxes meant severe deficits which lead to layoffs, school overcrowding, students test scores dropping, infrastructure suffered, less job growth and middle-class diminish.

Trickle-down economics never worked but they continue to support it anyway.

Kansas and Wyoming were extreme examples but other red states do it to a lesser degree and Trump is following the program on a national level.

The Nordic Model would be in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. They pay more in taxes, but they get more services and protections. Their standard of living is higher, more equitable, more democratic, people happier, middle-class more stable. A sick Dane won't become bankrupt and lose his house unlike an American.

Taxing the 1% country sounds like France. Different economic system than the Nordic model. There are certain policies in France which makes job growth more difficult. Macron is trying to repeal or loosen some of them.

Unlike the French rich, American rich would still have to pay taxes if they moved to a different country. The less taxes the rich pay, the poorer the middle-class become. We're now in the Second Gilded Age which leads to political instability.



What is capitalism's answer to jobs going over to automation? As I described above, socialism has two potential answers. One is regulation to prevent the automation, and the other is a UBI. I haven't seen one capitalist or libertarian give an answer other than "illegals are taking our jobs" which is patently false.

Also, damn, that escalated quickly. We were having a normal conversation and you kinda got triggered out of nowhere.



You are arguing like a child. I asked for a capitalist answer. All you did was attempt to divert away form it with non sequiturs.

You sound like a psychopath.








‘My political opponents are psychopaths’



Well no I think Hillary just drinks to much.

Hillary Clinton bails on DC event that Tulsi Gabbard is attending


his … children adore him him. They practically idolize him

His SPAWN are what's called NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY.


Narcissistic Supply really refers to those people who provide a constant source of attention, approval, adoration, admiration, etc., for the narcissist.

The narcissistic supply is there to serve them, so they try to cement their source of supply into the role they have made for them, and there they remain under the narcissist’s control. Any deviation from this position on the part of their supply will end in punishment for the transgressor. So, like the Queen Bee, the narcissist is surrounded with a hive of worker bees, all in service to their needs, which ironically make them totally co-dependent on others for their survival.


Since they have NO SKILLS, the only thing they can do is PUT UP with him if they want to INHERIT anything from him. And even then they could end up with NOTHING if he dies during another BANKRUPTCY (which he's been through 6 TIMES).

SCAM MAN Jr. was also suppose to have REBELLED at one point, but without any skills or way to earn his own living, came back and began the BROWN NOSING again.

The only one who appears to be making their own way in the WORLD is the daughter by the 2ND WIFE who's a student at GEORGETOWN now where she studies law. Since she doesn't act as a source of SUPPLY for the SCAM MAN the way the 3 other older one's do, her future looks much brighter in comparison.



The Psychopath in the White House!!!!!




