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Us versus Them

This mentality is what's really killing democracy and impeding progress in America. Just thought I'd remind you guys.

People like Sally Kohn, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, any biased talk radio show host or biased pundits, etc., they are all the REAL enemies. They manipulate people and incite hatred and division between Americans. They help indoctrinate people to hate on the "other side", making people forget that WE stand united, hence the name of the country, the UNITED States of America.

They want people to be divided so that they can profit off of the hatred. They tell people what they think they want to hear and twist the truth so that people will think that they're fighting against others with the truth on their side, but really it's just more hatred and division for these douchebag sellouts to make more money off of.

Stay alert of their bullshit, and be more rational in your beliefs. Stop hating on your fellow Americans just because of differences of opinions. Don't buy into the lies that the "other side" is trying to "destroy America". Have more fruitful discussion with those who have different opinions than you do. Appeal to reason always. Keep the welfare of all citizens in mind. There's no reason why this current political climate has to be so incensed and vitriolic.


It's called politics. It's nothing new.

When everyone agrees with me there will be peace. Got it?


Politics is about conflict for political reasons: what's right, what's wrong, and the differences of opinions and figuring all of that out. What these grifters do is beyond politics. Don't be so inattentive to their bullshit.


It's not about agreement. It's about being able to disagree in a civil manner. It's also about acknowledging that we have most things in common and need to work together by either meeting in the middle or compromising.

Talk radio show hosts realized that their most loyal listeners were the ones who fed off anger and hatred which is why they ramped up the political propaganda and hatred for ratings and advertising dollars. I listened to talk radio hosts when they were much more mellow years ago but have since changed their personalities in pursuit of profit.


How do you feel about thugs going around with baseball bats? Anti-fa gets tacit support from Democrat politicians and the biased news media.

And speaking of the news media, they are so completely biased that they are mostly to blame for all the incivility IMHO Why don't you bring them up?


The OP's comment is against extremism on both sides.

Talk show radio hosts are not the news media. They are political commentary which is different. The biased ones are "entertainment", not information.

News media can have different viewpoints which is why I read and watch many different ones including foreign. The least biased ones are from news services like the Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Newspapers and stations purchase their news from them.


I'm against bias of any kind, left or right.

There's a good site that I use called I personally think they do a fantastic job of pinpointing bias in the media.


I have repeatedly recommended that site. I use it all the time.

I just read something disturbing in a book (American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump by Tim Alberta). It said Obama wanted to be bipartisan and work with Republicans right after he was elected president. There were moderate Republicans who wanted the same thing, but McConnell wanted to destroy Obama's popularity and make it look like he couldn't be bipartisan. McConnell refused to have any Republicans work with him or vote for legislation like the ACA even though some Republicans supported it and worked with Obama in secret.

Biden said he wants to work with Republicans if he wins. McConnell and any other obstructionists need to be voted out of office to make that happen and reunite the country.


Stop hating on your fellow Americans just because of differences of opinions.

This would be more convincing if it weren't preceded by your "REAL enemies" list.


Well then, who are the real enemies if not those people? Most if not all of Charlie Kirk's tweets are primarily about how much people on the left suck, trying to get impressionable people on the right mad at them. We shouldn't be playing into this divisiveness. It's conducive to anger, hatred, and a lack of productivity in terms of getting things done and finding rational solutions to real problems that DO actually exist.



This would be more convincing if it weren't preceded by your "REAL enemies" list.

I know, LOL. I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he's not trolling, but maybe he should have saved the "enemies" list for a thread where he wasn't attacking the notion of "Us versus Them" division.

His premise also ignores the very real, deep divisions that have grown in the country. Clearly Americans aren't all united, with a large minority actively despising the country and attacking its core, founding principles.


Is it trolling when someone is wanting people to be more rational and more careful about which political commentators they choose to rot their brains listening to??

Also, please enlighten everyone in the thread about what these real deep divisions are.


Hello ?

How do you reach a mutually acceptable compromise between Globalists and Nationalists...?


I'm all for rationality and remaining critical when consuming information, including your op. Your first question had nothing to do with my post.

As for the deep divisions, you've got a large chunk of the population openly supporting socialism. An overlapping segment with disproportionate media voice is hostile to Christianity and religion in general, the basis for our natural rights and the most important thing in existence. There are significant movements launched from the corrupt modern education system and spreading throughout the media/entertainment industry, to both restrict free speech and institutionalize judging people by their skin color (or other broad demographic traits) rather than the content of their character (e.g. intersectionality). Several Democratic presidential candidates openly support racial "reparations" (skin color tax) and/or abolishing all Americans' private health insurance. The war on the Second Amendment is well documented. Most of the media and the NFL itself supported the infamous anti-American anthem protests.

All this is antithetical to core American principles of individual liberty, constitutionalism, free market economics, limited government, and Judeo-Christian values. It's not just about policy but fundamental mind set. Then there's abortion, the most important moral issue of our time. You list 3 fairly obscure pundits you dislike (2 conservative, 1 token liberal) as if they're somehow responsible for this division. No serious analysis can ignore the left's domination of media, social media companies, and Hollywood, the attempt to silence ("deplatform") the conservative half of the country, or the efforts to harass, intimidate, or get conservatives fired, which isn't tenable long term without national dissolution and/or civil war.

Americans are more divided now than the colonists and British were in the 1770s. A better question is what unites Americans if not freedom, role of government, patriotism, or even belief in God?


I smell the Second Civil War coming....


You don't see our own hypocrisy.

You're for free speech but against it when the NFL uses it.

You're for Christianity but support the Second Amendment. It sounds like you're not familiar with the Sixth Commandment.

You conveniently forget that slavery in the U.S. was based on skin color and its legacy continues with Jim Crow laws, white supremacy and institutional racism and discrimination. Meanwhile, when NFL players protest about racism certain persons call them anti-American.

Those talk show hosts feed on anger, hate and fear. Those emotions are very anti-Christian.


My post outlining divisions didn't mention my stance on free speech or other issues, but your post suggests English may not be your first language.

That said, there's nothing hypocritical about those who support free speech using it to criticize what other people say or do, including the NFL's hypocrisy in allowing anti-American displays by players in uniform at work in public entertainment venues* while cracking down hard on players for saying the slightest politically incorrect things that offend radical leftist sensibilities, including on their own social media pages in the off season. The NFL is not pro "free speech". Meanwhile patriotic critics of the NFL are not calling for players to be deplatformed or prevented from talking to the media, the way the left has been trying to silence conservatives.

The rest of the hilarious garbage you posted just underscores that you know nothing about the Bible, history, current events (you literally used "Jim Crow laws" in present tense, LOL) or logic.

*Disrespecting the flag and anthem is overtly anti-American by definition, and the idiot who started the fad, Colin Keapernick, openly admitted he didn't want to "honor" the "country", along with praising communist dictators, glorifying Black Panthers who were convicted cop killers, and wearing socks mocking police as pigs. Even Iranians and North Koreans stand respectfully for the US anthem during international competitions. It's basic decorum. If North Koreans can do it then surely spoiled, pampered, very rich NFL employees who have benefited from the country more than almost anyone else can do it.

That many players were so ignorant they admitted being "surprised" by the backlash from most fans shows the education system and their parents failed to teach them basic civics. They don't understand the USA's fundamentals, further illustrating how deep the divide is. That's aside from the underlying BLM cause being inherently bigoted and based on lies.


Your rant mentioned plenty of your biases.

Freedom of speech isn't limited to what you support. The NFL players have a right to freedom of speech and expression. The NFL is doing fine financially. Their players are making more money than you'll ever see.

Making people follow a specific religion or pledge something they don't believe isn't freedom. Everyone has a right to protest. It's not your place to judge who is or isn't patriotic.


What inane claptrap. Every sentence you typed is a straw man argument and/or wrong. Neither the NFL players nor any private company's employees have a right to say whatever they want while on the clock at work and keep their job. Companies have the right to impose rules as a condition of employment. Ask former Dolphins safety Don Jones. On his own twitter page in the off season he wrote "horrible" in response to the gay Michael Sam's affectionate display with his boyfriend on national tv. For that Jones was fined, suspended, and forced to take Orwellian reeducation "training" and apologize before being reinstated. The NFL has mountains of regulations controlling what players say on and off the field. The NFL lost more than 20% of its audience during the anthem controversy. Then it announced it was finally prohibiting the anti-American protests as most other leagues and agencies wisely had at the beginning of this nonsense. Although they later quietly backpedaled due to union pressure, both the media and most of the players who were protesting (which was always a minority) learned their lesson and stopped doing it, the few exceptions not being mentioned on tv. Since then ratings have gone back up. And the ungrateful, ignorant players being absurdly rich for playing a kid's game was explicitly part of my point, genius.

Again, no one was pushing to deny the players their right to "protest" (on their own time), post whatever they want on social media, or talk to reporters.

It's not your place to judge who is or isn't patriotic.

Sure it is. It's not your place to restrict what I'm allowed to say.


You're supporting homophobia, I see.


No I criticized hypocrisy while disproving your claim about the NFL giving players "free speech". But the larger point is just that there are deep divisions in the country, which you help prove with every reply.

And no, for the record I oppose "homophobia". It's a dumb, made up word.


All words are made up.


Not all are equally dumb.


Then blame the Greeks since it's from their language.

homos = same
phobia = fear

It sounds eloquent to me. Dumb is subjective.


You're logicphobic.


This is a serious question. What do you feel does unite Americans if not belief in God, natural rights theory as expressed by John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, free market economics, patriotism, a limited role for government, the Constitution, and individual liberty?


How do you reach a mutually acceptable compromise between Globalists and Nationalists...?


Easy, you give the globalists' minions a hard spanking and tell them to grow up and get over themselves.


Trade tariffs, protectionism, nationalism, anti-immigration, and nativism will hurt the economy which is why both Democrats and Republicans are against them. When Trumpism is out of office, both parties will restore free trade, dump the tariffs and encourage immigration to keep the economy growing.

The real issue isn't between Globalists and Nationalists. It's about raising wages and training Americans for well-paying jobs. There is a shortage of skilled American workers.


The people you described are grifters. They are saying what they say because they know where the money comes from.

Candace Owens is a prime example. She used to be on the left, but through her website's donors she realized where the money came from. She got in touch with Mike Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson and voila, she's a pro-Trump conservative who claims she was red-pilled.

Leftists are more likely to stand their ground. If they catch their own committing fraud, they criticize it. The right chooses not to. They stand together. The problem with that is your values become so flexible that it appears they do not exist. Trump went on and on about how Hillary was tied to Wall Street, and now he has taken her place. Do any right-wingers care? Absolutely not. Not Candace Owens, not Dave Rubin, and certainly not the new grifter in town Tim Pool. They have one gear. Criticize the left, garner an audience, and maybe Koch or some other group pays your bills to speak garbage.
