MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump Tower Street Rename "President Bar...

Trump Tower Street Rename "President Barack H. Obama Avenue"


The petition received 421,998 signatures and still growing rapidly:

"Rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower: "President Barack H. Obama Avenue"

To be delivered to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City Council

We request the stretch of Fifth Avenue between 56th and 57th Streets be renamed "President Barack H. Obama Avenue." Any addresses on that stretch of Fifth Avenue should be changed accordingly."


Oh snap!


LOL! He's going to be bullshit about this! He'll be shitting more bricks for the wall !


It won't happen as it would cost places thousands to go and change address names on there cards and stationary.


Nah. It wouldn't be like that. If you sent mail to Fifth Avenue between 56th and 57th, and you called it Fifth Avenue, the mail would still arrive there even though its official name was President Barack H. Obama Avenue.


Is this the idea the left would say would happen from the union post office workers. I highly doubt a union worker would do that extra work.


There's no extra work. The carrier would just put the mail in the box. There would be more work in sending it back. Thats primarily why I'm saying the mail would go through.


I have a bridge in California I will sell you for cheap.


My teeth are fine, thanks.


Well how about I sell you the Brooklyn Bridge instead?


Nah. I'm good.


What extra work?


It is extra work in remembering that street is also called something else. But really this petion is just a scam to get email addresses from the sheep they already don't have.


It is extra work in remembering that street is also called something else.

LOL! Yeah, but I don't think the majority of the postal workers who deliver to T-rump tower have dementia, so they should be fine in the extra work you refer to as 'remembering' .

(You are priceless when it comes to mindless entertainment).


He probably assumes everyone is as ignorant as he is.


It's quite telling when someone refers to normal brain function as 'extra work'.


Given what an astronomically egomaniacal fckhead Donald is, I could see the orange moron actually losing sleep at night over this.


does it make you feel better about working in a supermarket, calling the billionaire leader of the free world whos married to a model a "moron" ??

didn't hitchens say "it's what idiots do, they think they are smarter than the president"




you're right, even a supermarket wouldn't hire you. so i suppose thats why you love the left so much, free stuff eh!?


You're missing a few Trump supporter reply cliches: you haven't called me a Hillary/Obama voter yet, nor have you told me that I want "open borders" yet. Care to close the circle?


i don't need to, reread what you've wrote, it's all there, one big cliche "trump orange trump trump orange trump!"


Same could be said for you, buddy-boy: "Left lover! But Hillary! But you're a jobless lib!".


Let me guess,they wanted the persons address or email along with the name to be able to send donation request to.


The petition will be presented to the city council and mayor. California already named a street after Obama.

To clarify, it would still be 5th Avenue. But, the street directly in front of Trump Tower would have two official names, "5th Avenue" and "President Barack H. Obama Avenue".


What ever,a real person would say this is just away to go after donations since that guy running says he is to old to do rallies.I gave money to Ted Cruz but only at the rallies.


Renaming 3 miles of road in Crenshaw is different than downtown New York.


As explained to you multiple times now, the renaming of the road is only superficial. It won't make anything more difficult. It will only serve to piss off heir Trump.


It's midtown and it's only one block.


"at least i will go down as a president"

- barack/bathhouse barry obama/soetoro
