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Workers Forced To Go To Trump Rally

Shell workers ordered to go to Trump rally or not be paid. They were told not to protest:
“No yelling, shouting, protesting or anything viewed as resistance will be tolerated at the event."

This sounds like something they do in dictatorships. Trump took credit for a project that was approved by Obama in 2016. Yet another lie to add to his 12,000.


"This sounds like something they do in dictatorships" because this is what they do in dictatorships.

Can you imagine if this happened with President Obama?


Here’s a quick link to the memo they received that states they must act supportive of Trump and so much more.


His attitude toward people (and women in particular) shows a guy who cannot stop forcing himself on others. People say, "No. Don't come here." and he's like "Tough s***. I'm coming to see you and you'd better not act up."
I love that those people in the El Paso hospital told him they didn't want to talk to him and he couldn't do anything about it.
(And he went a little crazy for a few days yelling at his staff over that). He had to take that idiotic "thumbs up" picture with the baby whose parents were killed.
I used to think there was no chance he would be indicted, even if he loses in 2020, but I think he's gone way too far.


Same here. He probably will get off the hook with actually serving prison time, but he’ll hopefully be forced to leave office in disgrace. He’ll probably also have to significantly downsize since now everyone on the planet knows his business model is to scam, scam, scam. And I can’t imagine that he actually has any real friends, except maybe Jr., whom he despises. You watch, Ivanka will drop him like a hot potato once the gravy train dries up.


he'll win in 2020, and for the next 5 years you'll be telling us every 2 weeks "but they're going to impeach him this time! really!" hahahahaha!!

when will you loons learn that you can't impeach a president just because you don't like him?


Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia. He can barely complete simple sentences and it's just getting worse. Like when Trump goes off the rails at his rallies and starts spouting gibberish. Trump will not be able to handle the pressure of running a re-election campaign and he will lose in 2020.

You do notice this behavior in Trump it's just you choose to ignore it because when Trump loses in 2020 your whole pathetic life will come crashing down. If you send me your address I'll ship you a case of tissues to have ready.


not the old dementia one again!? you tried that with reagan. hahahahahaha my "whole pathetic life" doesn't depend on government handouts and making me feel good about myself calling people "racist" like a little girl, notice how i never use the names of politicans? you're obssessed. and it's sad. but i like uit.


I understand that you want to defend your orange hero but he is showing signs of dementia. Many Americans including some Trump supporters see this and are concerned. Since you will probably claim "fake news" I included a video and text of Trump spouting nonsense from last Thursday in the link below. This is just one example of Trump showing signs of dementia.


It's pretty obvious his supporters aren't very good judges of mental stability. He really should have been removed from office by now, so I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
But I do think that a lot of Americans are really REALLY beyond sick and tired of all this.
His chances are slim for 2020, but don't think it's over until it's over. He's already said he'd accept help from foreign countries to help him win the election. And Russia is doing it again, as Robert Mueller said.
America has to turn out on election day to reject this president. That's when I think the indictments will happen. It's clear the Republicans are going to protect him no matter what...until he's out of office.


not the old dementia one again!? you tried that with reagan

And everyone was wrong about that ? LOLOLOL!


If you send me your address I'll ship you a case of tissues to have ready.

Sounds like a deal! The address is:

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Put it to the attention of 'Melania', so she can wipe away those tears of joy when she files the divorce papers.



Also, regarding the victims and their families of those massacres: I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that down the line he’ll be sued for abuse of power and inciting madmen with his racist rhetoric. I hope he is sued and loses everything he got through scamming.


He owes everything to Deutsche Bank. I really don't believe the money he has is actually his.


Figures. This will be an interesting show to watch unfold in the coming months and years. He’ll come to a bad end no doubt. Once he’s stripped of his power and assets, every rat on board will jump his sinking ship. He’ll probably blow his own brains out.


Not ordered but was told if they didn't go they would be paid for going. Times has changed when a union person doesn't get paid for doing nothing.


These workers should have been at their jobs working for their paychecks. Not go to a political rally. Would you advocate being forced to go to a rally for a Democrat? I doubt it which makes you a hypocrite.

What you are advocating is tyranny, but I'm not surprised.


I would go to a democrat rally for the extra pay. I wouldn't expect the company to pay me if I didn't go. Shell is a union company. Just like a police officer going to testify at a trial gets paid for the day since they are union.



It's not extra pay. And supporting political campaigns is not in their job description.

Since you are willing to help with democratic campaigns then I suggest you donate to Biden's. Put your money where your mouth is or you're a hypocrite. Here's the link:

A police officer testimony is part his/her job description.


But if they didn’t go they’d be pegged as dissenters.


Even oilfield work has democrats in it. I'm just glad companies are looking at saving money and not just pay everyone and let them decide if they go. But only a democrat would think that is how it should be done.


The company isn't saving money when they pay workers to attend rallies instead of actually working.


Right. Not directly saving money that is, but saving money in the form of increasing profits by helping trump to get re-elected and pass or maintain legislation in their favor.


I go to quarterly townhall type meetings at the company I work for. It is mandatory if you are at work that day.Its not forced on people off work because it isn't union.


CEOs are getting worried in the Rust Belt. They see support for Trump slipping very quickly. They know workers aren't going to vote for him if they aren't pushed to.


If I was told that I had to attend one of Trump's rallies or not be paid I would have told them to kiss my ass and then I would have enjoyed the day off. One day of not being paid is not going to ruin my budget.

What I don't understand is if Trump is so popular then why were these workers forced to attend his rally?


You might not want to use your personal day at that time. These guys probably mostly have families, mortgages and really tight budgets. A personal day might have to be planned around a spouses schedule and the kids school that may have already started.

And Trump isn’t that popular. At this point only the CEO’s and the stupidest people imaginable still support him.


It didn't say forced only you wouldn't get extra pay if you didn't go.
