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Biden: "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Oh wow.


Well Melania did tell you so about him. Trump2020 is now a sure thing.


Liberals in tears!


So what? He misspoke. One word out of place.


Less than that has started wars. Like when the ambassador said we wouldn't fight for Kuwait if they got attacked.


Words like that have gotten T-rump elected. Looks like Biden is on his way to winning over the Rethuglikkans!


Well I'm in no hurry to see people hung and hacked up here in the US,so I'm not voting for Biden.


He doesn't want or need your vote.


So what? He misspoke. One word out of place.

He misspoke alright, lol. In a very telling way.


He should have known better than to make such a statement. It wasn't a "bright" thing for him to say.


Yes but he captured the attention of the republicans. Smart move on his part. I’m sure he will get plenty of right wing voters because of that mistake. T-rump must be jealous!!!


He is right.


Stupid gaffe is stupid gaffe. Meanwhile, Trump would go off-script and complain about children from shit-hole neighborhoods attending fancy schools.


Jesus Christ!
Have you been reading trumps tweets lately??




Biden's gaffe is more "white supremacist" than anything Trump's ever said. Democrats lie about Trump's comments. His alleged "racist" statements don't even mention race. Liberals claim they can divine "secret racism" in them. Biden's are sure racial though. No divination needed, lol.


Trump's tweets are deliberate. He didn't stumble over his words while answering a question like Biden. It wasn't an accident that he told AOC and three other congresswomen to go home, even though most of them were born in America. He knows the message he's sending.


Actually he didn't mention the "three other congresswomen" or I think even use specific names, though he clearly had in mind Omar, and rightly told the bigoted, anti-American, anti-Semitic moron that if she hates this country so much she should go back home rather than trying to replace US founding values with socialism and wrecking this place for those who love it. Regardless, he didn't mention race.


Come on, man. He was talking about AOC and the three other congresswomen who were super progressive and fighting with Pelosi. He never denied that.


Actually he made it clear he's talking about anyone who immigrates to the US and immediately starts spewing hate toward it and its fundamental values and trying to tear it down to impose something like socialism on the American people. And he's absolutely right. Americans have no moral obligation to import people who hate us and want to destroy our freedom and way of life.

Back to the actual topic here. You're only proving my point. Trump didn't mention race in your example, presumably the best you could come up with. Biden and other Democrats often do.


Not even T-rump agrees with your defense of him.


You've used 5 exclamation marks on this thread so far and counting. You're so upset behind your paper thin facade that you've become hysterical.


You've used 5 exclamation marks on this thread so far and counting.

Your life would be better spent the number of times you've been pwned on this site and learned from your mistakes, rather than the number of times another person used exclamation marks in a thread. I mean, seriously? Your counting MY exclamation marks? LOL!!!!! (There's five more, for you...).


Alright. Zero times "pwned". That was easy, lol. Speaking of admitting mistakes, do you admit you were wrong when you backslapped eyedef for falsely claiming the Dayton shooter was a "Republican" and "not a leftist at all" after he completely misread a story?

Doggiedaddy: "Thank You! Now let's see all the T-rumptards ignore this important fact."

Do you still feel that's an "important fact", lol? I'm trying to see if you're capable of admitting you're wrong even when it's blatantly obvious to anyone reading regardless of political bias.


*Then come back and show us how. Finish the quote.

It's still not racist.


Come back from WHERE, dumb-dumb? Only one of the four was born overseas and Trump clearly said CongresswomEn.






That wasn't the "go back" tweet (it's from a week later), and it doesn't mention race either, you idiot. You'd think that if Trump was some terrible racist you'd be able to find at least one allegedly racist comment that actually mentions race.

How does it feel to be such a pathetic loser that you have to base most of your political rhetoric on outright lies?




There's never any maliciousness in anything Biden says. Trump told American born/American citizens to go back to where they came from. He's a piece of shit and you're love tasting him. So eat shit and love it - that's your style.


So you're giving up on proving "racism"? Now it's just "maliciousness"? Your "go back" lies have been exposed, and you still can't give any examples of an alleged "racist" Trump comment that even mentions race.

Like all the Democrat candidates and much of the party leadership Biden is extremely malicious. They spew venom at regular Americans (from cops to border patrol to coal workers) on a regular basis, falsely smearing the half of the country that voted for Trump as "white nationalists" or "traitors in the service of Putin" and ginning up all the hatred they can from their supporters ("base enthusiasm"). Like many Democrats, who for years have projected their own bigotry onto their Republican opponents, Biden's maliciousness is surrounded by a hedge of prejudice these gaffes reveal. Ask poor whites or successful non-whites outside of politics if his prejudices, associating success with "white" and poverty with "minority", are harmless.

Trump just fired back at some of these people, in this case Omar, who has been trashing the country and denouncing its core values every chance she gets for a while. He was standing up for Americans.

Edit: Since most of the above exchange was wiped out, I'll point out here that the debate established Trump didn't even mention the number "four" in the "go back" tweet. That tangent's ultimately not too important but it does illustrate another pattern of dishonesty in the Democrats' rhetoric.



Trump could say, "I'm bringing back slavery!"

And you'd cry, "It's not racist, it's not racist. Where does it mention race?!!!"

It doesn't, but it is racist.

Your failure to grasp that is what makes you less than worthy of oxygen.


Even in your cartoonishly stupid example the salient problem would be the slavery aspect, above and beyond the category of those enslaved (certain skin color, hair color, profession, geographical region, sex, randomly chosen, whatever). Your failure to grasp that illustrates both your historical ignorance (slavery has been pervasive throughout human history and isn't just a black thing, so the rest of the story actually would matter), and, more pertinently, your racial fixation so typical of modern US leftists. You actually think the supposed "racism" would be worse than the freaking slavery.

Like Biden, you obsess over race so much that you project your own bigotry onto your opponents (including Trump). And, due to decades of your leftist comrades devaluing human life, you even wish death on opponents who vanquish you in debates, as happened here.



Weak. You said a mention of "slavery" would be inherently racial, and I educated you otherwise. You weren't quite this puffed up before the exchange got nuked and the magnitude of the ass kicking you received was partly obscured, lol. Only partly though.

You're muttering something about body slams as you lay on the ground dazed and crushed from being body slammed on the "four congresswomen" (which wasn't in the tweet), mentions of race (they appear in Biden's comments but not in Trump's), and every other point.



So now you concede it wouldn't necessarily be racial? Admit it. You were plastered. Time to cut your losses.



More projection. Your whole fit here is a tear-filled tantrum over your crushing loss.

You were the one who said it'd be "racist", not me. Why else would you assume it'd be racial if you didn't have in your narrow little mind black slavery ala the US in the early 1800s?

Clearly you hadn't thought of sex slavery (still a real ongoing underground problem, unlike race-based slavery) or the other non-racial possibilities I listed.



They knew people wouwld be comign aftr him!
