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Political Leanings Aside...

Isn't the fact that our elections cycles last a year and a half rather ludicrous? I mean it's freaking July, 2019 and the election is in November, 2020


It's always been such a long, drawn-out process. I remember shortly after T-rump took Office both Dems and "Never T-rump" Republicans started talking about 2020, and making sure he didn't get a second term. How hated can you be?


You mean how hateful can those people be.


No, exactly how I said it: " how hated can you be " - referring to T-rump.


The flip side of that is the group doing the hating, which you admitted is intense.


I never used the word intense, nor did I admit to anything being intense.


LOL, did you consult your lawyer before formulating that response? "How hated" Trump..sorry.."T-rump" (lol) was the whole point of two thirds of your post. My point was that it says more about you and your comrades than it does about Trump. You can't gleefully talk about how much someone is hated without admitting that people are doing the hating. Your comment was telling.


Twice you tried to spin what I said into something to fit your narrative, going as far to say 'I admitted to something' which I never did. I corrected you each time.

As T-rump would say, "You failed bigly".


So your position is that Trump is "hated" (your word) but that no one actually hates him. Got it. You should think your comments through before posting. But then those with Trump Derangement Syndrome like you typically don't.



And that congressional terms are only 2 years. And that senators can serve themselves for decades and decades. And that voters don’t have to show identification. And that a political party can propose 10x the annual budget in spending and not be laughed out of power. There certainly are lots of ridiculousnessicities our there.


Don't forget that senators get to vote themselves pay raises, even when we went through a massive recession and everyone else was getting pay cuts or laid off.


I could put up with all of that if they just shut the hell of and give us a few more months of peace. LOL.


Don’t worry this is the game democrats play. The person they nominate isn’t even known yet. It’ll be some last second puppet who’s never been vetted and the democrat media will giggle as they discuss how the candidate is totally unknown.

As long as they can carry the water for the democrat slave masters.



"Voters don't have to show identification" is third on your list, but "interference from foreign governments such as Russia in our elections" isn't even on the list?

"senators can serve themselves for decades and decades" is second on your list, but Republican gerrymandering doesn't make the list?

No wonder the country is in such disarray.


If only those two things existed.....


Live in NY, have to show my picture ID and sign on the line every time I vote. Do other states not do this?


WI is the same.


You literally need an ID for everything except to vote, but that specific ID is, as democrats and leftys put it: "Too hard for non-white people to obtain" yet they have no problems obtaining all other forms of ID.

It maddening how they treat them as pets for votes.




I've been thinking the same thing. By the time Nov. 2020 comes I'll be soooooo sick and tired of reading and listening to the candidates battling back and forth. Why isn't this time between now and election day have to be so long??! Some other countries have only two weeks.


Yes, there should be some laws.

Maybe three months to nominate your candidate, another three for the nominees to campaign. One of the reasons elections cost so much is the length of the election cycle.


Just put a spending cap on election campaigns, and then they are forced to wait or be out of money before they get to the primaries. Why do we want to allow them to spend so much? It's counterintuitive to expect the politicians that are the deepest in the lobbyist pocket to be working for the best interests of average Americans.


Except that campaign finances are a drop in the bucket compared to the multi-billion dollar media entities that are little more than propaganda operations. While I agree with the op about the absurdity of near constant electioneering I have no desire to restrict free speech even more and leave those biased hacks as the only voices in the room. Besides, Trump won while spending very little traditional campaign funding, so I doubt capping it further would stop campaigns. It would just empower the media even more.


I agree. I would like to hear nothing about it until about June of 2020.
