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The real reason behind T-rump's racist Tweets

During the day yesterday and last night on cable news shows, the talk was all about T-rump's racist tweets over the weekend. Many show hosts and their guests had an interesting theory as to why he tweeted such racist remarks against the four congresswomen. Here are some of their thoughts, which makes sense:

1. He's afraid of what Mueller will testify to in front of the Dems next week. He and Barr have no idea what Mueller will say, and they have no control over Mueller as they did with the past few people who testified. T-rump is shitting bricks again, so he needs something to distract the media from Mueller's upcoming testimony - so we have his racist tweets to talk about.

2. Epstein - what oh what does he have on T-rump???? Wouldn't T-rump (and Barr) like to know! A safe full of DVD recordings of young girls having sex with wealthy men over the years may be detrimental to T-rump. He's been trying ever so hard to distance himself from Epstein last week, to no avail. The headlines were linking T-rump closer and closer to Epstein all week, until we focused on his racist tweets. Ahhh - good distraction, once again.

These two theories make sense. We're not talking about Mueller or Epstein as much these past two days. Now the focus is on racist tweets with no surprise - we knew T-rump was a racist all along.


What shows were those discussions on?

Have you seen this? I was hoping for much more but it totally proves once again how much trump lies.


I can't recall which ones, but I was tuned in to CNN and MSNBC most of the day, and then switching to ABC every once in a while. They were giving the same theories - he's using this as a distraction from Mueller and Epstein. I truly believe this, as he's done this all the time in the past few years.

I did switch over to FOX last night on occasion, and they were discussing the 'Steele Dossier' instead of the headlines made 'round the world. Typical of them - even they can't defend him any more.


They can’t defend him but still support him.


Barr just killed another probe it seems. The fat fucker is doing everything he can to cover up Trump's crimes. Fuck the Trumphumpers for cheering this asshole on while they destroy our republic. FUCK THEM.


Which one?


The hush money thing with Cohen and Stormy Daniels. Fuckers.


Great. As though that has no importance to Americans at all....


According to Barr and company, no big deal.


Doggiedaddy, racist among other disgraceful thing. t-Rump is the worst!


I can only imagine what the History books will write about him in the next 20 - 30 years. It won't be pretty - but it will be honest.

His poor grandchildren will have to learn what a racist, homophobic moron their grandfather is.


Sad but true.


Look for T-rump to keep up his racist tweets this week to bring attention away from Mueller.
