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Trump denies Russian influence with an angry speech - in Russian

"Абсолютное отрицание!!", he says.

This just in from the CBC. Canada's finest source of truth. We call then Poutine Pravda.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—It seems Donald Trump is becoming quite perturbed by allegations of Russian interference in his campaign and subsequent administration, responding to a reporter's question this morning with a firm "Абсолютное отрицание!!," and also adding that "эти обвинения не будут удовлетворены любезно!"
The President says that this sort of attack on the legitimacy of his administration is the sort that has rarely been seen in the country's history, comparing it to the effect that Grigori Rasputin had on the rule of Nicholas II.
RELATED: INSPIRING! Of the millions of American jobs, Trump has only outsourced ONE to Russia!
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"Это очень плохо," said Trump. "Так что огромный и так плохо. Я думаю, вы согласитесь, что это почти столь же огромен, как это плохо, и я имею в виду, что bigly."
These sorts of accusations, says Trump, are distracting from the real issues, namely that "Есть люди в нашей администрации, которые проскальзывают вещи. Кто эти люди, протекающие незаконные и неуместные вещи мы делаем ?? Это то, что поддельные средства массовой информации должны быть сортировке. Но они не! Это та вещь, что даже Brezhnev не стал бы мириться с!"
In an impassioned speech, Trump eventually slammed his shoe on the podium, declaring that it was the fault of "уголовно-тип женщины" Hillary Clinton for running a campaign that only perpetually failing neudachnik Leon Trotsky would admire.
"Это просто безумие!" said the president in closing. "Действительно блестящий комик Яков Смирнофф не мог придумать ничего смешнее, чем это.!" adding that apparently in America, MEDIA judges YOU!


good one!


I lol'ed

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit 


The IMDb censor would not allow the Russian characters in the headline. Damn!
Funny article though.


Who taught him to speak Russian? Was it that Slovenian slut he married?


Donald Trump is a pathetic fool


Is his Russian better than his English?
