MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why the boards are going?

Why the boards are going?

All these D'OH messages might be a symptom of a wider problem, the increasing instability of the boards.

There is a good chance Amazon had two choices, spend a lot of cash rewriting the board software and porting it to more stable and resource-rich platform with little economic justification, or get rid of the lot.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable


whether so or not,intended or not, it is a definite side-benefit..


There is no way the traffic is spiking, i'm watching this board deteriorate by the day with the regulars leaving.

They just don't give a damn anymore.


OMG I took your moronic arse off ignore just in case there was the slightest positive to my acknowledging your presence on the planet.


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable


It's because of terrorists supporting libs like you.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.


It's because Amazon is a business and they want more $$$$ from ad revenue.

A customer comes to one of the movie boards and sees all of the valid critical complaints about the movie? It's hard to sell ad space!


It's obviously an economic decision and the cost of software maintenance must be one part of that. Not a very large part probably, but a part all the same.

They're all dead Dave


Stop lying piece of sh!t, you never had me on ignore, scum. Like all of your ilk, you used to stalk me everywhere, you were obsessed with me, garbage.

"I don't understand why they can't just ban nidii... Just so annoying" - Grey-Phantom 


Even at end of days there can be good reason to send another poster into the fiery furnaces of (ignore) hell.
This message has been hidden because the poster is in your ignore list: nidii-76417

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable
