MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump is now calling his own survey rigg...

Trump is now calling his own survey rigged.

Trump's people recently put out the "mainstream media accountability survey", and it's about what you would expect. A pile of terrible leading questions intended not to gather any information, but merely to demonize the press.

But Trump ran into a problem with the survey.

People started taking it.

Once the survey went out online, people started taking it, and answering honestly.

Trump's response was to send out another email saying that "thousands of Democrats have taken it to try to sabotage the results".

So apparently he thinks that a survey open to the public should only be taken by people selected for their opinions, and if people who disagree with you answer and give you results you don't like, that's "sabotage".

What a snowflake.


Am sure at this point that you know that the concept of "rigged" is a most flexible and one-sided tool.

Imagine what the line would have been if Trump did not win....her was already pointing to what what it would be even before the election happened. Not even winning it stopped him from trotting out the "mild" version in trying to claim the popular vote was wrong.


Jezus Christ.

No doubt the regular Trump leg humpers will still find some defense of this idiocy.



All they have to do is say the poll no longer of use was "rigged" by attack. You get the self-serving results yo were looking for, then they become "facts." You don't get them just proof of how the truth can't come out. So a win either way.

Just like with the leaks being real but the news fake. And that all came out in one sentence. Not like they care enough to hide the tactics.....and already out there anyhow.


Not like they care enough to hide the tactics
With his supporters they don't have to. Just like Trump said, he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue...



All he has to do is yell "fake news!" and his supporters feel immediate relief.

"Oh thank goodness. It was just fake news. Oh look, Bill O'Reilly's on!"

*With her alive-nostrils once snaggle front-tooth crossing the other and wear bangs -InherentlyYours


Give at least a bunch of his supporters credit at least. Most of them know exactly what is going on.

They -- like Trump -- are on a mission, and the truth is just part of the battleground. More than willing to make it collateral damage. But not like those from the other side have not cherry-picked facts for their own ends in the past as well. What is different now in this new political war is that for one side they don't actually have to be "facts."


That's President Snowflake to you, my man.


Yeah, pretty much what I expected. The guy's entire presidency is going to be one long bitch-fest, with little if anything actually accomplished. fact blacks did better before affirmative action. Visf1 1/18/12
