MovieChat Forums > Politics > Michael Moore vs Hannity

Michael Moore vs Hannity

Not sure how I missed this one, as I'm a pretty big youtube ho.

Hannity comes off looking great here. I gained some respect for him myself despite all his arguments being easily countered (not that your typical Fox News viewer will understand this). If you notice though, Moore sits patiently and actually listens to Hannity, whereas SH is trained to interrupt Moore at key moments. Can't have those darned lefties making points on a right wing show. O'Reilly does the same thing.

Despite everything else though this is a great interview b/c it underscores how these debates need to happen. The right and left coming together and talking in a civil manner (just need the right to listen a little bit more). Also no mention of cultural/identity issues, which is crucial, as all they do is stop the conversation and keep us hopelessly divided.


This was a good interview, thank you for posting it.

MM: A government of, by, and for, the people.

SH: That's a cliché.

Michael Moore then proceeded to hand Sean his ass on that one.

(and I don't even like the MM)

Not knowing history is like being a leaf that doesn't know it's part of a tree.


I gained some respect for Moore too. Sometimes he has this smug/smarmy thing happening. Glad he left that at home for this one. Both gentlemen were at their best for this interview.


That's because Hannity is right. The "poor" in America are better off than the poor in most other countries - that's why they all want to come to America.

I noticed you didn't bother to elaborate on how Hannity's arguments are "easily countered"?

That's because you got nothing.


I'm surprised they even respect Moore. All his films are propaganda and he backtracks all the time. As I said before the left needs better heroes instead of settling.



Get lost, dingus.


Truth hurt?



Thanks for the bump, doosh.


My pleasure. It needs to be said :)
