MovieChat Forums > Politics > Something nice

Something nice

It's kind of lovely to consider the facts: No human being existed for almost 14 billion years. After dying, no human will ever exist again. Between is an incredibly short period of cosmic time into which we cram our entire life. And when we're dead, and our consciousness has been erased for all eternity, our atoms will once again be out there mingling with the cosmos that produced them in the first place.

Isn't life, the universe and everything really quite grand?


Lol, now back to the home


Grandly pointless :/


Yep, pretty much. Enjoy life while it barely lasts.

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My, my. What do we have here? A fallen prince. Oh dear.

President Donald Trump. 


^ His sister-mom supplied him with yet another batch of really bad meth. Again.

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Ah. Flushed down the sewer like the little rat that he is.

President Donald Trump. 


^ Doesn't want his atoms returned to the cosmos.


I really hate to break this to you, but I've been holding back the lion share of my power for the sake of amusement, but now I'm going to end this fight. But before I do, I'd like to make you an offer.

President Donald Trump. 
