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Mexicans form 'human wall' along US border to protest Trump

Mexicans form 'human wall' along US border to protest Trump

Here's the story:

But the video is so much better:

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


Why don't they leave some pesos so we can build that damn wall, instead of spending it on Cervasies and jejo.


I loved this line:"The wall is one of the worst ideas," said Carolina Solis, a 31-year-old student. "It won't stop anything -- not drugs or migrants."A 31 year old student? 

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


She liked 5th grade so much, she decided to make it a career.

"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them." Solzhenitsyn


Graduate high school at 50.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


Good. Now if they just stay there and don't let anyone through, they won't have to pay for the wall. 


Don't cha wonder why they are so interested in not having a wall?

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


Re: Mexicans form 'human wall' along US border to protest Trump

Just make sure they bring some "human cement" so we can make them permanent border fixtures. That will do until we can build a more permanent wall.

"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them." Solzhenitsyn


Just make sure they bring some "human cement" so we can make them permanent border fixtures. That will do until we can build a more permanent wall.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001
