MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should Trump name a Special Prosecutor t...

Should Trump name a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary?

The Schadenfreude would be very enjoyable.


Whether he should or not is irrelevant.

He already admitted that he lied about indictments to whip you into a frenzy and vote for garbage.


Might not be a precedent that would benefit him in the long run.


If "Equal Justice Under Law" means anything, he should. But he probably won't. After all, Obama never pursued an investigation, let alone an indictment of Bush/Cheney. Trump, by his own recent, if reluctant, acknowledgement, admits that he's now a "politician", and with politicians, one hand washes the other. Hillary will probably get off Scott free - for violating the law, breaking protocols, committing perjury, and enriching herself at public expense.


Obama should have put Bush and Cheney in jail.

Hopefully Trump won't have any trouble putting Hillary in jail.CGI replaced Depp.Johnny Depp replaced Winona Ryder.


Oh, for fück's sake!

Come off it, will you?

The idiot can't even keep his own house in order:

Chump can't even afford spite like that at this point -- he's a mess.


Hillary should name a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

The news is real. The President is fake.


Yes. But first LOCK HER UP!!!! Set bail at $200 million.

"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them." Solzhenitsyn
