MovieChat Forums > Politics > Final thoughts on IMDB, Trump, and the c...

Final thoughts on IMDB, Trump, and the country

Trump: Contrary to what some believe, I am not a Trump "bot." I believe I have a balanced view of him. I recognize his flaws--he is erratic (ie telling Flynn and Conway he had "full confidence in Flynn" hours before firing him lol), he can be impulsive, he is arrogant, he is undisciplined at times, he is vulgar at times, he unnecessarily seeks conflict at times, etc. But I also recognize his qualities: he is independent-minded, he is a thought leader (helps people see things in a different way), he is an emotional leader (connects emotionally), he is strong in spirit and in fortitude and knows how to embolden others with that strength, he has strong political instincts, he is able to face adversity and mocking and condescension head-on (this is a good example to set for those who may feel bullied in real life), he speaks blunt truth at times when it might not be convenient or popular (like standing on a Republican debate and stating Bush lied about WMDs), and he stands in rightness when necessary (for instance, not cowering on illegal immigration). He is a human being, a mixed bag. I remain concerned about his cabinet. I don't like most of the picks. I don't like his freezing federal government hires, I don't like him choosing an anti-environmentalist for the EPA, or a lightweight for Education. I don't like him choosing a right-winger for HHS. And on and on. I hope he course-corrects on these things and reclaims the Independent voice he had in the campaign. If he doesn't, I won't be voting for him again, full stop. But for the country's sake, I remain hopeful that it will work out. I hope his detractors at least give him a chance to succeed or fail instead of going crazy even BEFORE he has a chance. We will see how it all shakes out.

IMDB and the country: My posting on the IMDB Politics board largely coincides with the campaign and subsequent election of Donald Trump. It is through this lens among others that I have observed on a micro scale the state of our country. I am concerned. I'm concerned that so many seem to be driven by emotion over common sense, that so many seem susceptible to propaganda over seeking alternative vehicles for information. As an Independent, I seek various sources for information and try to sift through the propaganda to find a kernel of common sense-truth. I wish more would do this. If they did, we would not always agree, but we would at least be operating on the same reality plain. What concerns me about America at this juncture is people are living in vastly different realities. I wonder how long we can go on like this. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we will not see the end-road in this forum. IMDB was a great sounding board as we traveled this historic political journey together and I hope we have learned from each other and learned not simply WHAT to think but also HOW to think, how to consider others' perspectives and how to respectfully disagree on SUBSTANCE. If we can do that here on a small scale and spread that approach in our respective circles throughout the country and the world, maybe the future is not so bleak after all. One can hope...

If I read any interesting articles between now and D-day, I will post them. If not, take care...of yourself and family, of your fellow citizens, of your country. Our country needs you to remain vigilant, independent, informed, reasonable, honest, respectful, sane. Wherever you go, please spread these values. Don't let us down. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy
Keep free speech and free thought alive!


I'm gonna miss you Tam. Great post.

We must continue to fight the oppression of the Trump haters and their insanity.


Trump only trusts a small handful of people close to him
and none of them are qualified for those positions.

George W. Bush had kind of the same thing going with ignoring
intelligence reports, which resulted in the 9/11 tragedy.

The difference is that Trump brings a whole new level of incompetence
to running the country, and this time we have both Russia and North Korea
gearing up for nuclear war. All we have left are our allies working very hard
to protect us, which doesn't seem to be appreciated. And it can't last forever.

Something far worse than 9/11 is likely to happen at about 8:15 PM EST
on August 12th, 2017 which I can only hope that it won't hit Texas.
Which is about the best I can hope for, because at this point it seems unavoidable.

I would have hoped that there would be someone sane to replace Trump
who could stop this nuclear war before it gets started, but it
doesn't look like that can be avoided now.

We must continue to protest and fight Trump and Bannon until the bitter end.
This is goodbye since I don't think I will have time to make any more posts.

Best wishes, and keep up the good fight.

"Without education and intellectualism there is no morality."


Where did the August time and date come from?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess one of those religious alt-right whack-job websites that the tin-foil hat crowd love to visit predicted the date.

"I was cured all right!"




I would have hoped that there would be someone sane to replace Trump
who could stop this nuclear war before it gets started, but it
doesn't look like that can be avoided now.
 They are the ones who should be afraid.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001


It's been moved up to 7:55pm, EST.

Saturday: Last day posting. Sunday: Lurking and PMs


Blind fools, like you, are destroying the very fabric of our democracy, by falling for the flim-flam man and his minions.

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in πŸ’– with me...xoxo rabbit
