MovieChat Forums > Politics > Question for softbunnywarmbunny

Question for softbunnywarmbunny

Are you a 50 year old virgin?

You seem like a sheltered, former cult member, why is this? Are you pretending to be innocent and naive?

When was the last time you had a handsome naked man in your bed an an excited penis inches from your face?

Be honest.

When was the last time you had some fresh warm spunk anywhere on your bloated body?

Are you obese, like Talker?

Answer ALL questions in great detail.


this might have been more appropriate for a PM..


Are you pretending to be innocent and naive?
I think she is.

Bunny could actually be a lonely 45 year old man or a bunch of bored boys or girls who really have nothing better to do and this is how they get their kicks.

I agree. "Her" posts just read too much like those of a faker to be taken as truth.

Like we should believe everyone and every single word on an anon. message board before meeting anyone in person?
I don't think so.

We have met the enemy and he is us!


I'm actually 51. 

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in 💖 with me...xoxo rabbit
