MovieChat Forums > The Lord Of The Rings > Rank The Movies By End Credits Song

Rank The Movies By End Credits Song

Song of the Lonely Mountain by Neil Finn - An Unexpected Journey

I See Fire by Ed Sheeran - The Desolation of Smaug

The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd - The Battle of the Five Armies

May It Be by Enya - The Fellowship of the Ring

Gollum's Song by Emiliana Torrini(lyrics start at 1:14) - The Two Towers

Into the West by Annie Lennox - The Return of the King



- I rank 'Into the West' and 'May It Be' equally on top. I like the songs for different reasons.
One is emotional about death and resurrection.
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
All of your fears will pass away...

Across the sea
A pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass
The other about personal salvation.
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home...

Believe and you will find your way
- Billy Boyd does do a nice job with "The Last Goodbye".
For my taste it's the best of the Hobbit movie end credits songs.

The other credits songs are quite a distance below imo.
- 'Song of the Lonely Mountain' is probably the best tune of what's left. But I prefer how it is simply sung in the scene in the Shire.
The end credits arrangement with the 'ay ay ay ay' accompaniment hurts the melody.
- 'Gollum's Song' has grown on me over the years so that now I'm able to actually listen to it and enjoy it.
It's an unusual performance by Emiliana Torrini which I appreciate more.
- 'I See Fire' has never had much of an impact on me. It's pleasant in the background but nothing more imo.

BB ;-)

it's just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


My vote for best ending song in an otherwise forgettable film goes to "The Game." It used "White Rabbit."

Look- it's trying to think!


May it Be is my favourite, transportive and ethereal. Gollum's Song has an absolutely stellar intro, that violin solo is so evocative but comes down a bit after that. Into the West feels more mundane and typically Hollywood ballad esque compared to those two but it's still pretty enough. Of the Hobbit songs I don't think any are all that special but I like Sheeran's song the best out of context.


'Fellowship' is still the best film AND book, out of LOTR or hobbit. "May it be" is still the best end credits song.

"D...uhhh ASTROTURF!! You know who's responsible for that, dontcha?! The Jews!"


1. Into the West (The Return of the King)
2. May It Be (The Fellowship of the Ring)
3. Gollum's Song (The Two Towers)
4. The Last Goodbye (The Battle of the Five Armies)
5. Song of the Lonely Mountain (An Unexpexted Journey)
6. I See Fire (The Desolation of Smaug) (I used to like this song, but my sister used to play and sing it a LOT and she'd replay it. Now I hate it.)


I agree with your picks Jammer.

Fire!! URUS!
Fire in the deep!       Urus ni buzra!
Flames lick our skin!  Arrâs talbabi fillumâ!
Fear rips our heart!    Ugrûd tashniki kurdumâ!
No! No! No!             Lu! Lu! Lu!
The demon comes!    Urkhas tanakhi!

'The Bridge of Khazad-Dum'


1 Gollum's Song by Emiliana Torrini - The Two Towers

2 May It Be by Enya - The Fellowship of the Ring

3 Into the West by Annie Lennox - The Return of the King

4 Song of the Lonely Mountain by Neil Finn - An Unexpected Journey

5 The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd - The Battle of the Five Armies

6 I See Fire by Ed Sheeran - The Desolation of Smaug

I love the LOTR songs much more than the Hobbit ones and own all the LOTR soundtracks but only the first Hobbit soundtrack. I can't even remember the Ed Sheeran song!
