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Is the NFL becoming what NASCAR was becoming the Early 2000's?

Think about it.

As we headed into the turn of the millennium, NASCAR was at an all time high. In the Early 2000's , NASCAR had completely turned the corner of being just for ‘good old boys’ and was only second to the NFL in terms of TV ratings and national attention on the sports scene. Fans took to the fast action on the track and the stories behind each individual driver.   Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin, Tony Stewart, Dale Earnhardt Sr. & Jr. among many other drivers became superstars.  The stands were ‘stacked and packed’, TV ratings were high, sponsorships were being snapped up for the various teams, and the TV money was rolling in.

It was in the same position that the NFL is in right now. Overexposure to the brand and expensive marketing and advertising are what led to NASCAR's demise. That and the tragic death of Dale Earnhardt and lack of competition are what drove people away from the sport.

So would you say that the NFL has passed it's peak in popularity and is about to take a turn for the worst???


The rule changes in 2011 started this slow demise.


You are an idiot. You just used the words "NFL" and "NASCAR" in the same sentence. The NFL will always be more popular than NASCAR, which is only popular with inbred hillbillies. What a complete idiot. You are the same guy who was acting like a right wing troll a few weeks back.


I think NASCAR used to be popular when they were actually using stock cars from dealerships. I heard it started losing popularity once the cars barely resembled anything in showrooms.


TV ratings were high, sponsorships were being snapped up for the various teams, and the TV money was rolling in.

Bingo! The kiss of death. Once it becomes about the dollars instead of about the game and the fans, it's all over.

NFL is at that place. Add politics to it alienating people from either or both sides, oversaturation and the criminal element people stop caring.

Feministas praising Sharia law is like Jews praising Naziism: Go for it and see what it gets you.


Know who is really doing badly? The NBA? They claim to be doing so well, but fans have been posting pictures of empty arenas all over the league, some even claiming to sell out.

I don't know anyone other than hoodrats that really even watches it anymore.


Also because the sport consisted of people driving in circles for three hours. Football has been popular here for the long time.

-Sitting on a cornflake waiting for the van to come


Well by that logic, shouldn't the NBA be doing worse? Without question that's the sport with the least parity of the big 4. The Patriots did have a miraculous comeback, but it's not like people could've picked these two before the season started the way you can basically just pit the Warriors and Cavs and save everyone 7 months like you can in the NBA.
