MovieChat Forums > Animation > Finding Dory vs Zootopia

Finding Dory vs Zootopia

For the people that have seen both movies only which one do you think is the better animated movie from 2016? Finding Dory or Zootopia and why do you think that movie is the better movie of the two?


I liked Zootopia more.


I preferred Zootopia.

They call me MISTER Tibbs!


I know I'm in the minority, but I liked Finding Dory better. It was just more emotionally engaging and, kind of more importantly, had no writing choices that outright ticked me off. Zootopia is fine and enjoyable enough, but just feels like it falls kind of short and there's a certain overused trope that appears in it that I really don't like. All that said, I don't really think either will end up being all time classics anyways, though Finding Dory should hold up better just like it's predecessor.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


10/10 to both, but Finding Dory.

The Angels Have the Phone Box


Zootopia. Personally I found the story to be more interesting.

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*🎭



It's edited because I cant spell.


Zootopia, by a very large margin.


Zootopia, by a long shot. I didn't Finding Nemo and I can't stand Ellen DeWhatever.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf
