MovieChat Forums > Actors and Actresses > Actors who are good at comedy and Drama

Actors who are good at comedy and Drama

Im sure most of you have noticed that majority of actors who are great at drama feel like a fish out of water in comedy examples: Ralph Fiennes and Daniel day Lewis and viceversa.

But there Re some rare exceptions who can do both without a problem here are the ones who i think can do both


Hugh Laurie : he started in comedy and was very successful at it then came House and im sure 6 Emmy nods and 2 golden Globes wins in a row proved why he is really good at both genres.

Jack Nicholson two oscar wins and one was doing drama for one flew over the cuckoos nest and the other for As good as it gets.

Julia Roberts her win was for drama but she was considered for a long time the queen of Rom Coms and git nominated for Pretty woman


Pierce Brosnan he is mostly a dramatic actor or action star but he doesn't feel weird in a rom com, it's something he can pull off.

Reese Witherspoon she proved she could do great in comedy thanks to Legally blond abd Sweet Home Alabama but her thing is drama which have been proved with 3 oscar nods and a win.

George Clooney he is not exactly great in any but because he is good at playing himself he fits quite nice in both genres comedy and drama.


Johnny Depp is good in just about every role he is given.

Alicia Silverstone is another one.

Helena Bonham Carter can do good in dramatic, comedic, villain, or heroine.

I am Judge! Jury! and Executioner!


Agreed with Johnny Depp he does have the ability for both genres.


Steve Buchemi was the first name that came to mind.

Kelsey Grammer really impressed me in "Boss". I had my doubts whether I could take him seriously but he definitely proved them wrong.

Drunken elk are common in Sweden


Just thought of another one: Julia Sawalha.

Comedy: Absolutely Fabulous,

Drama: Pride & Prejudice.

I am Judge! Jury! and Executioner!


Robert Downey jr: Oscar nominations for Chaplin and Tropic Thunder.


Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, Susan Sarandon

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


Robert Downey Jr is great in both he does have that ability to change, he is my favorite Sherlock Holmes. Guy Ritchie made a great choice with him.

What an irony Hugh Laurie a British actor made a great American accent to do an Americanized version of Holmes in House while Downey Jr being American mastered the British accent to do the more classical take on Holmes with the British director Guy Ritichie,

Isn't it one of biggest ironies in show buisness.


George Clooney
John Goodman
Mads Mikkelsen
Sam Rockwell
Woody Harrelson
Jeff Daniel
