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OT: Circuit court upholds injunction on Trump Muslim ban


It said it can't accept that it's not a Muslim ban since Trump campaigned using those words.


If that's their reasoning, then they're retarded.


Everyone but Trump is retarded. It's known.


Don't be a crybaby. Their reasoning is extremely shaky.


The statement I posted is not their only bit of reasoning. They actually didn't even come to the religious angle.

They simply took offense with the governments contention that executive orders are not under the review of the court, and the fact that the government failed to show any reasons for the urgency of the executive order.

Ha. It also said the White House can't be taken at it's word because it keeps changing it. That's something.


They simply took offense with the governments contention that executive orders are not under the review of the court

Oh, so their decision was just pure vindictiveness. That makes it all better.


Following the law is now vindictiveness. Who's the crybaby?


Trump's executive order followed the law.

Who's the crybaby?


It didn't. That's what the court said. You know better than them? And it was a unanimous decision at that.

His attorney general said it won't pass and he fired her.

Trump has to reword the executive order if he wants it to go through. But doing that would mean admitting he was wrong.
