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Movies like the English patient titanic and Shakespeare in love

Do you think that movies like Titanic, the english Patient, Shakespeare in love and moulin Rouge being nominated for an Oscar for best picture gives more respect to the romance genre?


It depends what you mean by respect. As far as Oscars go, the following romances have won Best Picture:
2011- The Artist
1998- Shakespeare in Love
1997- Titanic
1996- The English Patient
1985- Out of Africa
1977- Annie Hall
1961- West Side Story
1960- The Apartment
1958- Gigi
1955- Marty
1951- An American in Paris
1943- Casablanca
1940- Rebecca
1939- Gone With the Wind
1938- You Can't Take it With You
1934- It Happened One Night
An that's not counting romantic films that were nominated and didn't win. Nor is it counting romantic films that won in catagories other than best picture. Nor does it count Best Picture winners that aren't usually catagorized as "romance" even though there's a strong romantic element to the plot. So I think that the Oscars have always had a place for romance.

However in terms of general public perception I think there's a feeling that romantic films that end unhappily are more valid/meaningful. Of the films listed as winners only a few have the romance working out well for the characters.


Wooww thanks for reminding me all the romantic films which have a best picture Oscar.

It was very helpful for a list I have is constantly updated and I'm gonna add the ones i haven't already added.
This list started as nominated romantic films but people started suggesting other high quality romances so that made me change the title.

This is my list

If you are interested of giving me your thoughts of it they are very welcome or why not other suggestions you didn't give me on this post

And by respect I was talking about critics and movie buffs.
all of them seeing so many movies getting nominations at the oscars in important categories maybe makes them respect this genre a little more.

We all know that thanks to twilight and most of Nicholas Sparks film this genre has the reputation that its a genre only for teenage girls who don't like to think when they are watching a movie, but I guess after maybe they see how the academy has awarded some of them and nominated many others probably makes them hate this genre a bitt less.


Well I think that maybe some critics and film buffs look done on some of the romances that won the Oscar as well. I mean I've heard a lot of people complain that they felt that Shakespeare in Love "stole" the Best Picture Oscar from Saving Private Ryan for example.

But I do think that there's a difference between a "high quality romance" film like the ones you're talking about and films like Twilight and Nicholas Sparks' stuff.

By the way there are some others that I think would not be out of place on your list, in that they've earned critical respect, on my list of fave romances:
Many are considered classics.
