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Romcoms with a strong female lead? For a project

Any good romantic comedies out there that feature a strong female lead?

I'm looking for a couple films to analyze for the final research paper for my media and popular culture class and am looking for at least two others besides Silver Linings Playbook (the primary film I'll be analyzing).

And if this helps any: I am anticipating my paper to cover strong female leads who might appear to break traditional gender stereotypes, but plan to demonstrate how these characters might still operate within the confines of their expected gender roles, however subtly. I may do a tie in with male gaze. Just some ideas- don't know yet where this paper will lead to, and am open to any and all suggestions.

Anyway, let me know if you have any film suggestions!


Well it's certainly an interesting project. Especially since the definition of strong" might vary from one person to the next. For example, if a woman struggles with something and overcomes it does that make her strong? Or does the struggle itself make her weak? Regardless I consider some of these to feature strong female leads (you are only interested in comedies, correct?)

Dirty Dancing (1987) "Baby" (you could say a lot about that nickname!) is someone who has a strong belief in justice that isn't all talk. She is willing to put herself out for other people, and fight for the people she cares about. It's actually significant that at the end of the film her dance partner and lover introduces her to the audience by her real name, "Frances" rather than her diminiutive nickname.

Clueless (1995) Cher's strength is misguided, but she has a domineering personality within the traditional female gender role (she runs a household, does makeovers etc) It's based on Jane Austen's Emma, which is itself a romantic comedy featuring a very similar heroine who dominates her friends and family (most significantly her father). Ultimately though, her strength comes from being humbled and seeing others as equals rather than inferiors.

Mrs. Winterbourne (1996) This is actually a really silly movie, but I do find myself sort of admiring the heroine. She gets pregnant at eighteen, and is left homeless and without prospects. When a train crash results in a case of mistaken identity, she sees a chance to support herself and give her child the things she never had.

Shopgirl (2005) IMDB calls this a romantic drama but I think I'd call it a dramady. It's about a woman who is lonely and afraid to pursue her dreams. Through two different relationships she grows into her own woman.

Penelope (2006) I see this as a Beauty and the Beast story where the Beauty and the Beast are actually one and the same. Yes there is a romance. But it can't be successful until the heroine learns to love herself, flaws and all.

Hope that helps a bit!


Shakespeare in Love (1998)

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


10 Things I Hate About You
You've Got Mail
Paper Heart
Maid In Manhattan
Funny Face
The Proposal
Much Ado About Nothing
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

beauty freedom love truth


Fried Green Tomatoes (obvious choice), Margot at the Wedding, Rachel getting married, Please give, Friends with Money, Jane Austen Book Club, Breaking Upwards, Dolores Claiborne

Hope I helped.
