MovieChat Forums > Horror > Horror, is it losing to gore and schlock...

Horror, is it losing to gore and schlock?

Horror, good horror needs a few things to work for me. Just blood, guts and jumps don't do it.
Maybe a feeling of sympathy with the monster/being.
A mounting feeling of dread, suspense, fear.
Characters that you care about.
Don't show too much of the monster/being.
Any other thoughts?


For the most part yes.Excessive gore and cheap jump scares are easy.It takes no real effort and any director can do it.Creating real suspense and dread requires talent and creativity.John Carpenter created a classic with minimal violence and no gore.Zombie made the same movie and had to use extreme violence and heavy gore as a crutch because he doesn't possess the same talent.


It's a shame. There seems to be more and more horror films being made but less and less of them are any good.
But do you think that what people want from a horror film has changed greatly, or have they become used to rubbish?


I agree.Decent horror movies tend to be few and far apart now a days.People become used to what they grow up on and unfortunately most of what today's millennial's have grown up on are crap remakes and mediocre horror films that replace real suspense with gore,violence and cheap jump scares.


Character storylines take too much of the movie. I hate watching a scary movie and only 30 mins of the movie is the actual horror parts. Characters should get 15 mins of story and the rest should be them dying or trying to escape from the monster/being.
