MovieChat Forums > Horror > The October challenge.

The October challenge.

So there's no doubt it must continue. But where?

All of the regulars should really come together and figure out a spot to do it, or possibly even add eachother on other social media sites and get together in a group chat in October and do te challenge!


All challenges will continue here.

Well, Frank. Looks like another one of those long, hard ones --William Kerwin 


Troma, you big beauty, seems like j haven't seen you here in a while, good to know you're still kicking, and thank jaysus for trashepics?


I'll have to look into that! Some positivity to cling to!

That's all, folks!


After seeing the news about closure the first thing I thought of was the October Challenge.

This would have been my 15th year here on the horror board. I'm gutted to find out its closing.



Though annoying, other sites, such as Trash Epics and Horror Movie Fans (a forum I am a member of) both have October challenges, so while it's not the same, there are still places out there you can go to.

You're right, though - this move really is gutting.
