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Three Minute Screenplays

I've come across a competition for one of these. Without going into whether they are worth entering or not (which I haven't decided), I'm curious to hear opinions of this format. I'm interesting in giving the exercise a try.

At the moment I'm working on condensing something that I'd planned to be longer, but have been struggling with, down to three pages (give or take a little).

Any advice for the kinds of stories that should be told in this form? Set in one location with flashbacks to previous "acts" etc; cram in as many locations as possible.

I'm not even sure if any TRULY good film can be told in this space of time. What are your thoughts, writers?


With the usual qualifier that I'm not mainly a screenwriter, I'd say to treat something this short like flash fiction or a short-short story: one setting, one situation, all in the now.

I suspect that it might be judged like two- and ten-minute stage plays are judged, not by how good it is but by whether it's pretty good and has got a great ending--a twist, new understanding, or truly satisfying conclusion.

A lot of the winners I see or read have a twist you don't see coming--the character is blind. She's dead. He's the killer. She's a child bride. He withheld the cure. It was her own child.

Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


I've never written one of these but the format sounds best suited to a joke. You've got just enough time for a quick setup and punchline.



Thanks Speed, Mouth——two very helpful replies. I'm not going to persist with shortening my previous idea, I've got too many scenes to cover and the pace would be much too rushed. I have, though, thought of a much more suitable idea. A sort of absurdist little short comedy. That satisfy's both your thoughts in some way. I've actually got much more experience writing these sorts of things. I'm going to try and hash out a draft today or tomorrow. Would either of you be willing to read it?


Know what I'd love? For you to post it here, if there's room, or link to it, for everyone's feedback. You can ignore the nonsense replies and get more decent ones, I would think.

I don't know how my own time's going to shape up in the coming days. My brother died Wednesday and I may be traveling on short notice. Or not. The family has not been clear on when/if there will be a service.

Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


Yeah, that sounds good. Think it'll take me longer than expected to work out though. Very sorry to hear about your brother. All the best.


Oh, Speed... so sorry for your loss.



Thank you. So far, it looks like the service will be held at the collective convenience of the family, probably not until winter.

Don't mistake my silence for weakness. Nobody plans murders out loud.


yes it can be done you just have to have the idea its hard writing to a certain though
