MovieChat Forums > Cult TV > Twin Peaks . . . . Damn fine or not your...

Twin Peaks . . . . Damn fine or not your cup of coffee?

'Who killed Laura Palmer?'
'Was Diane a real person or the name of Dale Cooper's dictaphone?'
'What was that about?'

I'd love to hear what you've got to say about it . .


In my opinion I think twin peaks was a cutting edge top notch tv series. Of course since it was Lynch's child it was hard to follow and rather weird -- but that's part of why it was so good. One of the most original series ever to see the small screen, great plots and tons of characters and sub-plots. that diane question is interesting, we never saw him send the tapes off to a steno to have typed out, so who the hell was diane? Who killed Laura Palmer we all know was Bob inside of Leyland (Laura's father and now the devil on the Reaper tv series). What has happened to Josey?


One thing I am proud to recall (when I read somewhere that Diane was the name of the Dictaphone!) is that early in the series when the Norwegians were staying at the Great Northern Hotel Cooper records:

"There's a large group of insane men staying on my floor. Diane, I'm wondering if you could overnight express to me two pair of those Ear-Pillow Silicon Ear Plugs I used the last time I had to visit New York. ...."

Josie just collapsed and died after she killed Eckhardk and her soul is trapped in the wood of the hotel?

Do you like the way the series ends?

"You're maudling and full of self-pity. You're magnificent."
- Addison DeWitt in 'All About Eve'


Damn fine! A 10/10 masterpiece and the greatest television series to date.

"How's Annie?"- Special Agent Dale Cooper/BOB


I love it, but it tails off once Leland is arrested.


I like to believe Diane is an actual person, and that's what I'm sticking to.


It's been a long time but I remember Josie being turned into a knob on a dresser by the evil "Bob". been a while though, that's why I put the tag: 'What has happened to Josey?"..... bob says it freaking out/


The best thing that`s ever been on TV, genuinely creepy and intriguing. There are few fairly crappy episodes but overall it`s just so effective, dark and odd, Lynch is a genius.

The key to joy is disobedience.


An absolutely amazing TV show, an in my opinion there hasn't been anything as good since. I remembered watching parts of it as a pre-teen but I really hadn't a clue what was going on, my Mom was a big fan and she bought both seasons on VHS. Watching it again a few years ago, I was almost obsessed with it that Diane thing used to drive me insane! I must re-watch the tapes, it's been ages since I saw it. It's one of those shows, the more you think about it, the less certain things make sense probably just best to enjoy it and not over-analyze.
Brilliant, Brilliant show.

Also, this just came to me after reading this thread, I've posted it on the Buffy board too, but do any of you think that the Buffy episode "Doublemeat Palace" intentionally referenced Twin Peaks when they had the weird killer old lady order a coffee and a cherry pie? Now I'm over-analyzing....

Four legs good, Two legs bad
