MovieChat Forums > TV General > Do you write each episode down?

Do you write each episode down?

After watching an episode, do you somehow write down, that you have watched that episode, so when continuing the series, you know for sure where you stopped?


I note episode names and numbers but I don't write them down. However, as i get older and my memory begins to fail slightly, i may begin.

Duncan Idaho! Nice to meet you! Love your potatoes,man!


Well how do you note them if not writing them down?


I make a mental note. I'm sorry, i guess i didn't clarify myself. If it's one of my regular series, it's easy for me to remember where i left off. Now, if it's one of those that has half a year or more between seasons, i may have to consult the IMDB episode list.
But most of the time I can just do it by memory. As I said, that may change as i get older.

Duncan Idaho! Nice to meet you! Love your potatoes,man!


And wouldn't you like a written down list where you can look at and know exactly when you watched what? For the sake of memories?


You guys should check out the app TV Showtime. It's great for keeping up with all your shows and helps you remember where you left off.


I keep a spreadsheet list on my computer of shows I've watched each day with series, episode number and episode title and also use the website to keep track of the episodes of shows I've watched.

I like the website because you can save your TV shows and pin the current shows you are watching to the front page and check episodes off as you watch them from that page. You can also click "skip" if you've missed an episode and go back and change it to "watched" if you see it later.

I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.


I don't write them down to know where I've left off. I've got my DVR set for series recording, so it automatically records all new episodes.
Shows important enough to remember later, I buy on DVD.

Bobby: "You don't shoot Bambi, jacka$$. You shoot Bambi's mother."


Do you think I am paranoid for writing everything down but still thinking "what if I wrote an episode down accidentally without even watching it? What if I missed an episode without noticing?"
