MovieChat Forums > Film General > The Exorcist - VATICAN Propaganda

The Exorcist - VATICAN Propaganda

But Protestants get the blame anyway.


The Vatican would never allow the priests to die by Satan's hand

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Whadda ya hear! Whadda ya say!


When people see these movies they don't recognize that Protestants rarely if ever get possessed. Only Catholics.


Well the Catholics have added deleted more of the Bible than most. I am pretty sure Satan isn't happy about them making up a story about Purgatory. Basically weigh station for Christians before getting into Heaven.

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Whadda ya hear! Whadda ya say!


You are thinking about it backwards. Constantine, the last Roman Emperor was also the 1st Pope. Rome never left aside notions like Purgatory -- people still worship the old Roman Gods when they worship the Catholic Saints.

They love to steal something, copy it, and then spread their evil and put the blame on the original thing they copied. They did not create Christianity. They stole it.
