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Jim Jeffries flips Piers Morgan off and tells him to "f_ck off"

Basically, Piers Morgan said the same one argument throughout last night's Bill Maher ("Stop complaining, protesting, blah blah blah") without putting forward an actual defense. And then Jim Jeffries said that he's only defending Trump because Trump let him win The Celebrity Apprentice, which led to Morgan's show on CNN.


Can John Waters be the President of the Jury for Cannes 2018?


He was on the 1995 jury with Jeanne Moreau. Alas he's not active as a director, which appears to be a requirement for a modern Cannes President. I'd have no problem with that, though.


Is it possible that The Beguiled premieres at this year's festival? Out of competition, perhaps?


I don't know.


marie antoinnette premiered at cannes


He was trying to say the comparisons to Hitler are mental (which they are) but the rest of panel like the rest of the lefty Democrats wouldn't stop hyperventilating and overreacting to Trump. Is Morgan biased? Absolutely but he's not wrong.

They will bend the knee or I will destroy them.


I find all the 'lefty' hate against Piers Morgan ironic, bearing in mind he edited the one mainstream British national newspaper, The Daily Mirror, that stood against the Iraq War which the US, including the liberals' favourite, Hillary Clinton, were almost unanimously behind, and he was effectively hounded our of the US for daring to question the Second Amendment and the country's obsessional fondness for guns.

I suspect American so-called liberals hate Morgan because he exposes the truth about themselves and their country, just as they hate Trump for embodying the very behaviours and characteristics most Americans refuse to acknowledge about themselves.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10


There's nothing liberal about wanting to take away people's guns.

They will bend the knee or I will destroy them.
