MovieChat Forums > Movie Awards > Is La La Land overrated?

Is La La Land overrated?

It looks like the film is going to win at least 7 Oscars. That is the most conservative estimate. Pretty much everybody is saying it's going to win Best Picture, Director, Cinematography, Art Direction, Sound Mixing, Score, and of course Song. But do you think the film is worthy to be considered one of the greatest films of all-time? Do you believe there are superior films up for best picture which should be winning instead?

I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.




Which ones and why?

I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.


Very much so.

...and I feel like if you were to blow on me, I'd vanish. 


I don't think so.

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.


But do you think the film is worthy to be considered one of the greatest films of all-time?

I would say so since it is probably in my top 20 or so.

Do you believe there are superior films up for best picture which should be winning instead?

Well I haven't seen all of them, but chances are pretty low. It's extremely rare I find BP nominees to be great in the first place.

Which goes back to your first question : winning many Oscars doesn't always make a film an all time great. There are some counter examples, like Gigi which won 10 and The English Patient which won 9. They are still somewhat remembered, but not exactly big classics.


Maybe a little, but it's still plenty good. I have no problem with it winning.


I would be happy with La La Land taking home Best Picture, Director, Cinematography, Score and Original Song (though I would be delighted to see Moonlight or Arrival sweep the main categories as well). On the other hand, it's way too soon to say it's one of the greatest filmé ever made. We'll see how it ages. As far as I'm concerned, I have many friends that are passionate about filmmaking and are qualified (much more than I am) and none of them regard Titanic and LOTR: Return Of The King as the best films ever made.


On the other hand, it's way too soon to say it's one of the greatest filmé ever made. We'll see how it ages.

That's pretty silly. When you're making your top 10 or top 100 or whatever, do you wait for movies to be a certain age before you include them ?

none of them regard Titanic and LOTR: Return Of The King as the best films ever made.

Well TSPDT, which is voted by critics, lists Titanic and the first LOTR among the best films ever made.
